# browser-prefix This is a simple utility to add browser prefixes to CSS. Its syntax is really simple; just add `@prefix` to the beginning of any line, and it will add all relevant browser prefixes to that line. All prefixes will be on the same line, which means all line numbers will match between your source files and the result. ## Installation Install with npm: `npm install browser-prefix` To install as a command line application: `npm install -g browser-prefix` ## Usage ### In node.js ``` var prefix = require("browser-prefix"); prefix("@prefix foo: bar;"); //returns '-moz-foo: bar; -webkit-foo: bar; -o-foo: bar; -ms-foo: bar; foo: bar;' ``` ### As a CLI application From stdin: ``` $ echo "@prefix foo: bar" | browser-prefix # returns '-moz-foo: bar; -webkit-foo: bar; -o-foo: bar; -ms-foo: bar; foo: bar;' ``` From file: ``` $ browser-prefix < infile.css > outfile.css ```