Explorar el Código


Martin Dørum hace 3 años

+ 12
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lib/parse/lex.c Ver fichero

@@ -132,10 +132,19 @@ static int is_numeric(int ch) {

static int skip_whitespace(struct l2_lexer *lexer) {
int nl = 0;
while (is_whitespace(peek_ch(lexer))) {
int ch = read_ch(lexer);
if (ch == '\n') {
while (1) {
while (is_whitespace(peek_ch(lexer))) {
int ch = read_ch(lexer);
if (ch == '\n') {
nl = 1;

if (peek_ch(lexer) == '#') {
nl = 1;
while (read_ch(lexer) != '\n');
} else {

+ 3
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test/examples/arrays.l2 Ver fichero

@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
arr := [10 20 30]
print arr

# Lookup into the array with dot-number
print arr.2

# Assign to an index of the array
arr.1 = "nope"
print arr

+ 5
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test/examples/dynamic-lookups.l2 Ver fichero

@@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
# Lookup array values dynamically
idx := 0
arr := [100 20 30]
print arr.(idx)

# More complex expressions in the subscript operation
arr.(+ idx 1) = 50
print arr

# Lookup into a temporary
print [10 20 30].(+ 1 1)

# Lookup into a namespace by atom
obj := {}
obj.('hello) = "what's up"
print obj.hello

# More complicated expression again
get-ident := {'foo}
obj.(get-ident()) = 100
print obj.foo

+ 18
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test/examples/functions.l2 Ver fichero

@@ -1,28 +1,46 @@
# Functions return their last expression
func := {

# Call a function without arguments using ()
print func()

# A function, returning a function, with a closure so that it can access
# variables from outside
str := "Hello World"
func := {

# func() returns a function, which can be called again with an extra ()
print func()()

func := {
# $ is a variable containing the arguments passed to the function,
# so this nested function sets the global 'str' variable to whatever
# the function is passed
str = $.0

# func() calls the 'func' function with no arguemnts, and the nested function
# is returned. That returned function is then called with 10 as a parameter.
func() 10

# Since the nested function modified it, 'str' should now be the number 10
print str

func := {
# Variables don't have to be global; this function returns a function which
# has a reference to the 'retval' variable
retval := "what's up"
print func()()

# Lastly, just print a function literal
print {0}

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test/examples/namespaces.l2 Ver fichero

@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@ obj := {
print obj.foo

# Assignments
obj.foo = 100
print obj.foo

# Nested namespaces should work
obj.bar = {baz: "how's your day going?"}
print obj.bar.baz

# Empty namespace literal (should parse to namespace, not function)
print {}
