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continuations rework, control flow test

Martin Dørum 3 years ago

+ 0
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include/lang2/builtins.x.h View File

// X macro: Define a macro named X, then include this file, then undef X.

#ifdef XNAME #ifdef XNAME
XNAME("none", knone) XNAME("none", knone)
#endif #endif

+ 1
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include/lang2/vm/vm.h View File

enum l2_value_flags { enum l2_value_flags {
L2_VAL_MARKED = 1 << 7, L2_VAL_MARKED = 1 << 7,
L2_VAL_CONST = 1 << 6, L2_VAL_CONST = 1 << 6,
L2_VAL_CONT_CALLBACK = 1 << 6, // Re-use the const bit
L2_VAL_SBO = 1 << 5, L2_VAL_SBO = 1 << 5,
}; };

#define l2_value_get_type(val) ((enum l2_value_type)((val)->flags & 0x0f)) #define l2_value_get_type(val) ((enum l2_value_type)((val)->flags & 0x0f))

l2_word *l2_value_arr_data(struct l2_vm *vm, struct l2_vm_value *val);
l2_word l2_value_arr_get(struct l2_vm *vm, struct l2_vm_value *val, l2_word k); l2_word l2_value_arr_get(struct l2_vm *vm, struct l2_vm_value *val, l2_word k);
l2_word l2_value_arr_set(struct l2_vm *vm, struct l2_vm_value *val, l2_word k, l2_word v); l2_word l2_value_arr_set(struct l2_vm *vm, struct l2_vm_value *val, l2_word k, l2_word v);

+ 86
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lib/vm/vm.c View File

return "(unknown)"; return "(unknown)";
} }

l2_word *l2_value_arr_data(struct l2_vm *vm, struct l2_vm_value *val) {
if (val->flags & L2_VAL_SBO) {
return val->shortarray;
} else if (val->array) {
return val->array->data;
} else {
return NULL;

l2_word l2_value_arr_get(struct l2_vm *vm, struct l2_vm_value *val, l2_word k) { l2_word l2_value_arr_get(struct l2_vm *vm, struct l2_vm_value *val, l2_word k) {
if (k >= val->extra.arr_length) { if (k >= val->extra.arr_length) {
return vm->knone; return vm->knone;
} }
} }

static void call_func_with_args(
struct l2_vm *vm, l2_word func_id, l2_word args_id);
static void call_func(
struct l2_vm *vm, l2_word func_id,
l2_word argc, l2_word *argv);

static void after_func_return(struct l2_vm *vm) {
// TODO: Rewrite parts of this into a loop. Currently, continuously calling
// a C function with continuations will stack overflow.
struct l2_vm_value *ret = &vm->values[vm->stack[vm->sptr - 1]];

// If the function returns a continuation, we leave that continuation
// on the stack to be handled later, then call the function
if (l2_value_get_type(ret) == L2_VAL_TYPE_CONTINUATION) {
if (ret->cont && ret->cont->args != vm->knone) {
struct l2_vm_value *args = &vm->values[ret->cont->args];
struct l2_vm_value *func = &vm->values[ret->extra.cont_call];

// We can optimize calling a non-C function by re-using the
// args array rather than allocating a new one
if (l2_value_get_type(func) == L2_VAL_TYPE_FUNCTION) {
call_func_with_args(vm, ret->extra.cont_call, ret->cont->args);
} else {
vm, ret->extra.cont_call, args->extra.arr_length,
l2_value_arr_data(vm, args));
} else {
call_func(vm, ret->extra.cont_call, 0, NULL);


// If the value right below the returned value is a continuation,
// it's a continuation left on the stack to be handled later - i.e now
if (
vm->sptr >= 2 &&
l2_value_get_type(&vm->values[vm->stack[vm->sptr - 2]]) ==
struct l2_vm_value *cont = &vm->values[vm->stack[vm->sptr - 2]];

// If it's just a basic continuation, don't need to do anything
if (cont->cont == NULL || cont->cont->callback == NULL) {
// Return the return value of the function, discard the continuation
vm->stack[vm->sptr - 2] = vm->stack[vm->sptr - 1];
vm->sptr -= 1;

// After this, the original return value and the continuation
// are both replaced by whatever the callback returned
l2_word contret = cont->cont->callback(
vm, vm->stack[vm->sptr - 1], vm->stack[vm->sptr - 2]);
vm->stack[vm->sptr - 2] = contret;
vm->sptr -= 1;


static void call_func_with_args(struct l2_vm *vm, l2_word func_id, l2_word args_id) { static void call_func_with_args(struct l2_vm *vm, l2_word func_id, l2_word args_id) {
l2_word stack_base = vm->sptr; l2_word stack_base = vm->sptr;
vm->stack[vm->sptr++] = args_id; vm->stack[vm->sptr++] = args_id;
// Make this a while loop, because using call_func would // Make this a while loop, because using call_func would
// make the call stack depth unbounded // make the call stack depth unbounded
vm->stack[vm->sptr++] = func->cfunc(vm, argc, argv); vm->stack[vm->sptr++] = func->cfunc(vm, argc, argv);
while (1) {
l2_word cont_id = vm->stack[vm->sptr - 1];
struct l2_vm_value *cont = &vm->values[cont_id];
if (l2_value_get_type(cont) != L2_VAL_TYPE_CONTINUATION) {

// If there's no callback it's easy, just call the function
// it wants us to call
l2_word call_id = cont->extra.cont_call;
if (cont->cont == NULL) {
vm->sptr -= 1;
call_func(vm, call_id, 0, NULL);

struct l2_vm_value *call = &vm->values[call_id];

if (l2_value_get_type(call) == L2_VAL_TYPE_CFUNCTION) {
int argc = 0;
l2_word *argv = NULL;
if (cont->cont && cont->cont->args != 0) {
struct l2_vm_value *args = &vm->values[cont->cont->args];
if (l2_value_get_type(args) != L2_VAL_TYPE_ARRAY) {
vm->stack[vm->sptr - 1] = l2_vm_type_error(vm, args);

argc = args->extra.arr_length;
if (args->flags & L2_VAL_SBO) {
argv = args->shortarray;
} else {
argv = args->array->data;

l2_word retval = call->cfunc(vm, argc, argv);
vm->stack[vm->sptr - 1] = cont->cont->callback(vm, retval, cont_id);
} else if (l2_value_get_type(call) == L2_VAL_TYPE_FUNCTION) {
// Leave the continuation on the stack,
// let the L2_OP_RET code deal with it
cont->flags |= L2_VAL_CONT_CALLBACK;
if (cont->cont && cont->cont->args) {
call_func_with_args(vm, call_id, cont->cont->args);
} else {
call_func(vm, call_id, 0, NULL);
} else {
l2_word err = l2_vm_type_error(vm, call);
vm->stack[vm->sptr - 1] = cont->cont->callback(vm, err, cont_id);

return; return;
} }

l2_word args_id = alloc_val(vm); l2_word args_id = alloc_val(vm);
struct l2_vm_value *args = &vm->values[args_id]; struct l2_vm_value *args = &vm->values[args_id];
args->flags = L2_VAL_TYPE_ARRAY | L2_VAL_SBO;
args->extra.arr_length = argc; args->extra.arr_length = argc;
if (argc <= 2) {
args->flags = L2_VAL_TYPE_ARRAY | L2_VAL_SBO;
memcpy(args->shortarray, argv, argc * sizeof(l2_word));
} else {
args->flags = L2_VAL_TYPE_ARRAY;
args->array = malloc(
sizeof(struct l2_vm_array) + sizeof(l2_word) * argc);
args->array->size = argc;
memcpy(args->array->data, argv, argc * sizeof(l2_word));
if (argc > 0) {
if (argc <= 2) {
memcpy(args->shortarray, argv, argc * sizeof(l2_word));
} else {
args->flags = L2_VAL_TYPE_ARRAY;
args->array = malloc(
sizeof(struct l2_vm_array) + sizeof(l2_word) * argc);
args->array->size = argc;
memcpy(args->array->data, argv, argc * sizeof(l2_word));
} }

call_func_with_args(vm, func_id, args_id); call_func_with_args(vm, func_id, args_id);
vm->fsptr -= 1; vm->fsptr -= 1;
vm->sptr = sptr; vm->sptr = sptr;
vm->iptr = retptr; vm->iptr = retptr;
vm->stack[vm->sptr++] = retval;

l2_word cont_id;
struct l2_vm_value *cont = NULL;
if (vm->sptr > 0) {
cont_id = vm->stack[vm->sptr - 1];
cont = &vm->values[cont_id];

int iscont =
cont != NULL && l2_value_get_type(cont) == L2_VAL_TYPE_CONTINUATION;
int nocallback =
!iscont || (cont->flags & L2_VAL_CONT_CALLBACK && cont->cont == NULL);
if (nocallback) {
if (iscont) {
vm->stack[vm->sptr - 1] = retval;
} else {
vm->stack[vm->sptr++] = retval;

if (cont->flags & L2_VAL_CONT_CALLBACK) {
retval = cont->cont->callback(vm, retval, cont_id);
cont_id = retval;
cont = &vm->values[cont_id];

if (l2_value_get_type(cont) != L2_VAL_TYPE_CONTINUATION) {
vm->stack[vm->sptr - 1] = retval;

cont->flags |= L2_VAL_CONT_CALLBACK;
if (cont->cont && cont->cont->args != 0) {
call_func_with_args(vm, cont->extra.cont_call, cont->cont->args);
} else {
call_func(vm, cont->extra.cont_call, 0, NULL);
} }
break; break;

+ 2
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test/examples/builtins.l2.expected View File

print print
(none) (none)
(true) (false) (atom 23)
(true) (false) (atom 25)
100 100
100.5 100.5
255 255
Hello World Hello World
[(none) (true) (false) (atom 23) 100.1 Nope (namespace) (function)]
[(none) (true) (false) (atom 25) 100.1 Nope (namespace) (function)]
(namespace) (namespace) (namespace) (namespace)

len len

+ 39
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test/examples/control-flow.l2 View File

print "Run loop 10 times"
i := 0
loop {
print "Hello World"
i = i + 1
if i >= 10 {'stop}

print "\nWith while this time"
i = 0
while {i < 10} {
print "Hallo Wrodl"
i = i + 1

print "\nAnd with the for loop"
i = 0
iter := {
j := i
i = i + 1
if j < 10 {j} {'stop}
for iter { print "Hello with" $ }

print "\nArray iterator"
array-iter := {
arr := $.0
idx := 0
if idx >= (len arr) {
} {
j := idx
idx = idx + 1
[j arr.(j)]
for (array-iter ["hello" "world" "how" "are" "you" 10 20 'true]) print

+ 45
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test/examples/control-flow.l2.expected View File

Run loop 10 times
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World

With while this time
Hallo Wrodl
Hallo Wrodl
Hallo Wrodl
Hallo Wrodl
Hallo Wrodl
Hallo Wrodl
Hallo Wrodl
Hallo Wrodl
Hallo Wrodl
Hallo Wrodl

And with the for loop
Hello with [0]
Hello with [1]
Hello with [2]
Hello with [3]
Hello with [4]
Hello with [5]
Hello with [6]
Hello with [7]
Hello with [8]
Hello with [9]

Array iterator
[0 hello]
[1 world]
[2 how]
[3 are]
[4 you]
[5 10]
[6 20]
[7 (true)]

+ 1
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test/src/examples.t.c View File

check("functions.l2"); check("functions.l2");
check("dynamic-lookups.l2"); check("dynamic-lookups.l2");
check("builtins.l2"); check("builtins.l2");

if (error_message != NULL) { if (error_message != NULL) {
free(error_message); free(error_message);
