function percentOf(val1, val2) return math.ceil(val2 * (val1 / 100)) end function expect(var1, var2) if var1 ~= var2 then error("Expected "..tostring(var2)..", got "..tostring(var1)) end end function printTable(tbl, depth) if depth == nil then depth = 0 end local pre = "" for i = 1, depth do pre = pre .. " " end local str = "" for key, val in pairs(tbl) do if type(val) == "table" then str = str .. pre .. key .. ": {\n" .. printTable(val, depth + 1) .. pre .. "}\n" else str = str .. pre .. key .. ": " .. tostring(val) .. "\n" end end return str end function writeFile(path, str) local h =, "w") h.write(str) h.close() end function appendFile(path, str) local h =, "a") h.write(str) h.close() end function newObject() local self = {} self.getset = function(name, getter, setter) self[name] = function(val) if val == nil then if getter == nil then error("No getter.") end return getter() else if setter == nil then error("No setter.") end setter(val) return self end end end return self end function makeEventListener(self) util.expect(type(self), "table") local callbacks = {} local anyListeners = {} self.emit = function(name, ...) local funcs = callbacks[name] if funcs == nil then return end for key, func in pairs(funcs) do func(...) end for key, func in pairs(anyListeners) do func(name, ...) end return self end self.on = function(name, func) if callbacks[name] == nil then callbacks[name] = {} end table.insert(callbacks[name], func) return self end self.onany = function(func) table.insert(anyListeners, func) return self end self.removeListener = function(name, listener) local funcs = callbacks[name] if funcs == nil then return end for key, func in pairs(funcs) do if func == listener then table.remove(funcs, key) end end return self end self.once = function(name, func) self.on(name, function(...) func(...) self.removeListener(name, func) end) return self end self.removeAllListeners = function() callbacks = {} anyListeners = {} return self end end function abstract() error("This method is abstract and must be overridden.") end