var conf = { scroll_speed: 0.4, scroll_speed_fast: 1.1, scroll_friction: 0.8, chars: "SANOTEHUCP", input_whitelist: ["checkbox", "radio", "hidden", "submit", "reset", "button", "file", "image"], location_change_check_timeout: 2000 } var keys = { scroll_up: {code: 84}, scroll_down: {code: 78}, scroll_up_fast: {code: 219, shiftKey: true}, scroll_down_fast: {code: 221, shiftKey: true}, blobs_show: {code: 68}, blobs_show_reload: {code: 68, ctrlKey: true}, blobs_hide: {code: 27}, blobs_click: {code: 13}, blobs_click_new_tab: {code: 13, shiftKey: true}, elem_deselect: {code: 27}, change_tab_left: {code: 72}, change_tab_right: {code: 83}, move_tab_left: {code: 72, shiftKey: true}, move_tab_right: {code: 83, shiftKey: true}, history_back: {code: 72, ctrlKey: true}, history_forward: {code: 83, ctrlKey: true} } function isMatch(k, evt) { if ((k.code === evt.keyCode) && (!!k.ctrlKey == evt.ctrlKey) && (!!k.shiftKey == evt.shiftKey) && (!!k.altKey == evt.altKey) && (!!k.metaKey == evt.metaKey)) { return true; } return false; } //There's a lot we don't want to do if we're not on an actual webpage, but on //the "speed dial"-ish pages. var onWebPage = (document.body !== undefined); function randomChar() { var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * conf.chars.length); return conf.chars[index]; } function getElemPos(elem) { var curtop = 0; var curleft = 0; do { curtop += elem.offsetTop; curleft += elem.offsetLeft; } while (elem = elem.offsetParent); return {top: curtop, left: curleft}; } var blobList = { blobs: {}, container: null, visible: false, needLoadBlobs: true, currentKey: "", createContainer: function() { var container = document.createElement("div"); = "pointer-events: none;"+ "display: none;"+ "position: absolute;"+ "top: 0px;"+ "left: 0px;"+ "z-index: 2147483647"; //Max z-index value in most browsers document.body.appendChild(container); blobList.container = container; }, init: function() { if (!onWebPage) return; blobList.createContainer(); window.addEventListener("scroll", function() { blobList.needLoadBlobs = true; }); }, currentIndex: 0, loadBlobs: function() { if (!onWebPage) return; var linkElems = document.querySelectorAll("a, button, input, textarea"); //Remove old container contents blobList.container.innerHTML = "" //Remove old blobs blobList.blobs = {}; var i = 0; function addBlob() { var linkElem = linkElems[i]; i += 1; if (i > linkElems.length) return false; if (linkElem === undefined) return true; //We don't want hidden elements if ((linkElem === undefined) || ( == "none") || ( == "hidden")) { return true; } //Get element's absolute position var pos = getElemPos(linkElem); //Lots of things which don't really exist have an X and Y value of 0 if ( == 0 && pos.left == 0) return true; //We don't need to get things far above our current scroll position if ( < (window.scrollY - 100)) return true; //We don't need things below our scroll position either if ( - 100 > (window.scrollY + window.innerHeight)) return true; var key = randomChar(); while (blobList.blobs[key]) key += randomChar(); var blobElem = document.createElement("div"); blobElem.innerHTML = key; = [ "position: absolute", "background-color: yellow", "border: 1px solid black", "border-radius: 10px", "padding-left: 3px", "padding-right: 3px", "color: black", "top: ""px", "left: "+pos.left+"px", "line-height: 12px", "font-size: 12px" ].join(" !important;"); blobList.container.appendChild(blobElem); blobList.blobs[key] = { blobElem: blobElem, linkElem: linkElem } return true; } while (addBlob()) {}; }, showBlobs: function() { blobList.visible = true; = "block"; }, hideBlobs: function() { blobList.currentKey = ""; blobList.visible = false; = "none"; }, click: function() { if (!blobList.visible) return; var blob = blobList.blobs[blobList.currentKey]; if (!blob) return;; blob.linkElem.focus(); blobList.hideBlobs(); }, clickNewTab: function() { if (!blobList.visible) return; var blob = blobList.blobs[blobList.currentKey]; if (!blob) return; if (blob.linkElem.tagName == "A" && blob.linkElem.href) { self.port.emit("tab_open", blob.linkElem.href); } else {; blob.linkElem.focus(); } blobList.hideBlobs(); }, appendKey: function(c) { blobList.currentKey += c; } } blobList.init(); //Reload blobs whenever the URL changes var currentUrl = location.href; setInterval(function() { if (currentUrl !== location.href) { blobList.loadBlobs(); } currentUrl = location.href; }, conf.location_change_check_timeout); var pressedKeys = []; function inArray(arr, val) { return (arr.indexOf(val) !== -1); } function isValidElem(elem) { var tag = elem.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tag === "textarea") return false; if (tag === "select") return false; if (elem.contentEditable.toLowerCase() === "true") return false; if ((tag === "input") && (!inArray(conf.input_whitelist, elem.type.toLowerCase()))) { return false; } return true; } window.addEventListener("keydown", function(evt) { if (/about:.+/.test(location.href)) return; var active = document.activeElement; //We don't want to do anything if the user is tpying in an input field, //unless the key is to deselect an input field if (!isValidElem(active)) { if (isMatch(keys.elem_deselect, evt)) { active.blur(); } else { return; } } //User is typing a key to a blob var c = String.fromCharCode(evt.keyCode); if (blobList.visible && conf.chars.indexOf(c) !== -1) { blobList.appendKey(c); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return false; } //Handle other key presses //Deselect element if (onWebPage && isMatch(keys.elem_deselect, evt)) { active.blur(); //Show/hide/reload blobs } else if (onWebPage && !blobList.visible && isMatch(keys.blobs_show, evt)) { if (blobList.needLoadBlobs) blobList.loadBlobs(); blobList.needLoadBlobs = false; blobList.showBlobs(); } else if (onWebPage && !blobList.visible && isMatch(keys.blobs_show_reload, evt)) { blobList.loadBlobs(); blobList.needLoadBlobs = false; blobList.showBlobs(); } else if (onWebPage && blobList.visible && isMatch(keys.blobs_hide, evt)) { blobList.hideBlobs(); //Simulate clicks } else if (onWebPage && blobList.visible && isMatch(keys.blobs_click, evt)) {; } else if (onWebPage && blobList.visible && isMatch(keys.blobs_click_new_tab, evt)) { blobList.clickNewTab(); //Scrolling } else if (onWebPage && isMatch(keys.scroll_up, evt)) { scroll.start(-conf.scroll_speed); } else if (onWebPage && isMatch(keys.scroll_down, evt)) { scroll.start(conf.scroll_speed); } else if (onWebPage && isMatch(keys.scroll_up_fast, evt)) { scroll.start(-conf.scroll_speed_fast); } else if (onWebPage && isMatch(keys.scroll_down_fast, evt)) { scroll.start(conf.scroll_speed_fast); //Back and forwards } else if (isMatch(keys.history_back, evt)) { history.back(); } else if (isMatch(keys.history_forward, evt)) { history.forward(); //Change tab } else if (isMatch(keys.change_tab_left, evt)) { self.port.emit("change_tab_left"); } else if (isMatch(keys.change_tab_right, evt)) { self.port.emit("change_tab_right"); //Move tab } else if (isMatch(keys.move_tab_left, evt)) { self.port.emit("move_tab_left"); } else if (isMatch(keys.move_tab_right, evt)) { self.port.emit("move_tab_right"); //We don't want to stop the event from propagating //if it hasn't matched anything yet } else { return true; } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return false; }, true); window.addEventListener("keyup", function(evt) { if ((isMatch(keys.scroll_up, evt)) || (isMatch(keys.scroll_down, evt)) || (isMatch(keys.scroll_up_fast, evt)) || (isMatch(keys.scroll_down_fast, evt))) { scroll.stop(); } }, true); var scroll = { start: function(acceleration) { scroll.acceleration = acceleration; if (scroll.raf == null) scroll.update(); }, stop: function() { scroll.acceleration = 0; }, update: function() { var tdiff = scroll.endTime - scroll.startTime; if (tdiff < 100) { scroll.velocity += scroll.acceleration; window.scrollBy(0, scroll.velocity * tdiff); scroll.velocity *= conf.scroll_friction; } if (tdiff < 10 && scroll.velocity < 0.03 && scroll.velocity > -0.03) { scroll.velocity = 0; cancelAnimationFrame(scroll.raf); scroll.raf = null; } else { scroll.startTime = scroll.endTime; scroll.endTime = new Date().getTime(); scroll.raf = requestAnimationFrame(scroll.update); } }, raf: null, acceleration: 0, velocity: 0, startDate: 0, endDate: 0 }