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Martin Dørum 3 years ago
2 changed files with 96 additions and 22 deletions
  1. 7
  2. 89

+ 7
- 3
libswan/include/swan/LightServer.h View File

@@ -19,16 +19,18 @@ struct NewLightChunk {

struct LightChunk {
LightChunk() = default;
LightChunk(NewLightChunk &&ch):
blocks(std::move(ch.blocks)), light_sources(std::move(ch.light_sources)) {}
LightChunk(NewLightChunk &&ch);

std::bitset<CHUNK_WIDTH * CHUNK_HEIGHT> blocks;
uint8_t light_levels[CHUNK_WIDTH * CHUNK_HEIGHT] = { 0 };
float light_buffer[CHUNK_WIDTH * CHUNK_HEIGHT] = { 0 };
float light_buffers[CHUNK_WIDTH * CHUNK_HEIGHT * 2] = { 0 };
int buffer = 0;
uint8_t blocks_line[CHUNK_WIDTH] = { 0 };
std::map<std::pair<int, int>, float> light_sources;
std::vector<std::pair<TilePos, float>> bounces;

float *light_buffer() { return light_buffers + CHUNK_WIDTH * CHUNK_HEIGHT * buffer; }

bool was_updated = false;

@@ -72,9 +74,11 @@ private:
float recalcTile(
LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos, Vec2i rpos, TilePos base,
std::vector<std::pair<TilePos, float>> &lights);
void processChunkSun(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos);
void processChunkLights(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos);
void processChunkBounces(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos);
void processChunkSmoothing(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos);
void finalizeChunk(LightChunk &chunk);
void processEvent(const Event &event, std::vector<NewLightChunk> &newChunks);
void run();

+ 89
- 19
libswan/src/ View File

@@ -47,6 +47,17 @@ static float attenuateSquared(float squareDist) {
return attenuate(sqrt(squareDist), squareDist);

LightChunk::LightChunk(NewLightChunk &&ch):
blocks(std::move(ch.blocks)), light_sources(std::move(ch.light_sources)) {
for (int y = 0; y < CHUNK_HEIGHT; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < CHUNK_WIDTH; ++x) {
if (blocks[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x]) {
blocks_line[x] += 1;

LightServer::LightServer(LightCallback &cb):
cb_(cb), thread_(&LightServer::run, this) {}

@@ -289,6 +300,38 @@ float LightServer::recalcTile(
return acc;

void LightServer::processChunkSun(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos) {
LightChunk *tc = getChunk(cpos + Vec2i(0, -1));

int base = cpos.y * CHUNK_HEIGHT;

std::bitset<CHUNK_WIDTH> line;
for (int ry = 0; ry < CHUNK_HEIGHT; ++ry) {
int y = base + ry;
float light;
if (y <= 20) {
light = 1;
} else {
light = attenuate(y - 20);
if (light < LIGHT_CUTOFF) {
light = 0;

for (int rx = 0; rx < CHUNK_WIDTH; ++rx) {
bool lit = light > 0 && tc && tc->blocks_line[rx] == 0 && !line[rx];
if (lit) {
chunk.light_buffer()[ry * CHUNK_WIDTH + rx] = light;
if (chunk.blocks[ry * CHUNK_WIDTH + rx]) {
line[rx] = true;
} else {
chunk.light_buffer()[ry * CHUNK_WIDTH + rx] = 0;

void LightServer::processChunkLights(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos) {
TilePos base = cpos * Vec2i(CHUNK_WIDTH, CHUNK_HEIGHT);
std::vector<std::pair<TilePos, float>> lights;
@@ -319,7 +362,7 @@ void LightServer::processChunkLights(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos) {
for (int y = 0; y < CHUNK_HEIGHT; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < CHUNK_WIDTH; ++x) {
float light = recalcTile(chunk, cpos, Vec2i(x, y), base, lights);
chunk.light_buffer[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x] = light;
chunk.light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x] += light;

if (light > 0 && chunk.blocks[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x]) {
chunk.bounces.emplace_back(base + Vec2i(x, y), light * 0.1);
@@ -356,8 +399,8 @@ void LightServer::processChunkBounces(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos) {
for (int y = 0; y < CHUNK_HEIGHT; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < CHUNK_WIDTH; ++x) {
float light = recalcTile(chunk, cpos, Vec2i(x, y), base, lights);
float sum = chunk.light_buffer[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x] + light;
chunk.light_buffer[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x] = sum;
float sum = chunk.light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x] + light;
chunk.light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x] = sum;
@@ -369,24 +412,25 @@ void LightServer::processChunkSmoothing(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos) {
LightChunk *rc = getChunk(cpos + Vec2i(1, 0));

auto getLight = [&](LightChunk &chunk, int x, int y) {
return chunk.light_buffer[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x];
return chunk.light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x];

auto calc = [&](int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, auto tf, auto bf, auto lf, auto rf) {
float *dest = chunk.light_buffers + CHUNK_WIDTH * CHUNK_HEIGHT * ((chunk.buffer + 1) % 2);
for (int y = y1; y < y2; ++y) {
for (int x = x1; x < x2; ++x) {
float t = tf(x, y);
float b = bf(x, y);
float l = lf(x, y);
float r = rf(x, y);
float light = chunk.light_buffer[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x];
float light = chunk.light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x];
int count = 1;
if (t > light) { light += t; count += 1; }
if (b > light) { light += b; count += 1; }
if (l > light) { light += l; count += 1; }
if (r > light) { light += r; count += 1; }
light /= count;
chunk.light_levels[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x] = linToSRGB(light);
dest[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x] = light;
@@ -399,7 +443,7 @@ void LightServer::processChunkSmoothing(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos) {

if (tc) {
calc(1, CHUNK_WIDTH - 1, 0, 1,
[&](int x, int y) { return tc->light_buffer[(CHUNK_HEIGHT - 1) * CHUNK_WIDTH + x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return tc->light_buffer()[(CHUNK_HEIGHT - 1) * CHUNK_WIDTH + x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x, y + 1); },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x - 1, y); },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x + 1, y); });
@@ -408,7 +452,7 @@ void LightServer::processChunkSmoothing(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos) {
if (bc) {
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x, y - 1); },
[&](int x, int y) { return bc->light_buffer[x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return bc->light_buffer()[x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x - 1, y); },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x + 1, y); });
@@ -417,7 +461,7 @@ void LightServer::processChunkSmoothing(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos) {
calc(0, 1, 1, CHUNK_HEIGHT - 1,
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x, y - 1); },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x, y + 1); },
[&](int x, int y) { return lc->light_buffer[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + CHUNK_WIDTH - 1]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return lc->light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + CHUNK_WIDTH - 1]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x + 1, y); });

@@ -426,39 +470,48 @@ void LightServer::processChunkSmoothing(LightChunk &chunk, ChunkPos cpos) {
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x, y - 1); },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x, y + 1); },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x - 1, y); },
[&](int x, int y) { return rc->light_buffer[y * CHUNK_WIDTH]; });
[&](int x, int y) { return rc->light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_WIDTH]; });

if (tc && lc) {
calc(0, 1, 0, 1,
[&](int x, int y) { return tc->light_buffer[(CHUNK_HEIGHT - 1) * CHUNK_WIDTH + x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return tc->light_buffer()[(CHUNK_HEIGHT - 1) * CHUNK_WIDTH + x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x, y + 1); },
[&](int x, int y) { return lc->light_buffer[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + CHUNK_WIDTH - 1]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return lc->light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + CHUNK_WIDTH - 1]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x + 1, y); });

if (tc && rc) {
calc(CHUNK_WIDTH - 1, CHUNK_WIDTH, 0, 1,
[&](int x, int y) { return tc->light_buffer[(CHUNK_HEIGHT - 1) * CHUNK_WIDTH + x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return tc->light_buffer()[(CHUNK_HEIGHT - 1) * CHUNK_WIDTH + x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x, y + 1); },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x - 1, y); },
[&](int x, int y) { return rc->light_buffer[y * CHUNK_WIDTH]; });
[&](int x, int y) { return rc->light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_WIDTH]; });

if (bc && lc) {
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x, y - 1); },
[&](int x, int y) { return bc->light_buffer[x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return lc->light_buffer[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + CHUNK_WIDTH - 1]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return bc->light_buffer()[x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return lc->light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + CHUNK_WIDTH - 1]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x + 1, y); });

if (bc && rc) {
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x, y - 1); },
[&](int x, int y) { return bc->light_buffer[x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return bc->light_buffer()[x]; },
[&](int x, int y) { return getLight(chunk, x - 1, y); },
[&](int x, int y) { return rc->light_buffer[y * CHUNK_WIDTH]; });
[&](int x, int y) { return rc->light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_WIDTH]; });

void LightServer::finalizeChunk(LightChunk &chunk) {
for (int y = 0; y < CHUNK_HEIGHT; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < CHUNK_WIDTH; ++x) {
chunk.light_levels[y * CHUNK_WIDTH + x] =
linToSRGB(chunk.light_buffer()[y * CHUNK_HEIGHT + x]);

@@ -483,6 +536,13 @@ void LightServer::run() {

auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

for (auto &pos: updated_chunks_) {
auto ch = chunks_.find(pos);
if (ch != chunks_.end()) {
processChunkSun(ch->second, ChunkPos(pos.first, pos.second));

for (auto &pos: updated_chunks_) {
auto ch = chunks_.find(pos);
if (ch != chunks_.end()) {
@@ -497,10 +557,20 @@ void LightServer::run() {

for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
for (auto &pos: updated_chunks_) {
auto ch = chunks_.find(pos);
if (ch != chunks_.end()) {
processChunkSmoothing(ch->second, ChunkPos(pos.first, pos.second));
ch->second.buffer = (ch->second.buffer + 1) % 2;

for (auto &pos: updated_chunks_) {
auto ch = chunks_.find(pos);
if (ch != chunks_.end()) {
processChunkSmoothing(ch->second, ChunkPos(pos.first, pos.second));
