#include "drawutil.h" #include #include #include "gfxutil.h" namespace Swan { namespace Draw { static Uint8 linearLine(float from, float to, float frac) { return (Uint8)std::clamp(to * frac + from * (1 - frac), 0.0f, 255.0f); } static SDL_Color linearColor(SDL_Color from, SDL_Color to, float frac) { return { .r = linearLine(from.r, to.r, frac), .g = linearLine(from.g, to.g, frac), .b = linearLine(from.b, to.b, frac), .a = linearLine(from.a, to.a, frac), }; } SDL_Color linearGradient( float val, std::initializer_list> colors) { const std::pair *arr = colors.begin(); size_t size = colors.size(); if (val < arr[0].first) return arr[0].second; for (size_t i = 1; i < size; ++i) { if (arr[i].first < val) continue; auto [fromv, fromc] = arr[i - 1]; auto [tov, toc] = arr[i]; float frac = (val - fromv) / (tov - fromv); return linearColor(fromc, toc, frac); } return arr[size - 1].second; } void parallaxBackground( Win &win, SDL_Texture *tex, std::optional srcrect, std::optional destrect, float x, float y, float factor) { SDL_Renderer *rnd = win.renderer_; // We only need to set a clip rect if we have a destrect std::optional clip; if (!srcrect) { Uint32 fmt; int access, w, h; SDL_QueryTexture(tex, &fmt, &access, &w, &h); srcrect = SDL_Rect{ 0, 0, w, h }; } if (destrect) { clip.emplace(rnd, &*destrect); } else { int w, h; SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize(rnd, &w, &h); destrect = SDL_Rect{ 0, 0, w, h }; } x = (x * win.zoom_) * -factor; y = (y * win.zoom_) * -factor; SDL_Rect rect{ 0, 0, (int)((float)srcrect->w * win.zoom_), (int)((float)srcrect->h * win.zoom_), }; rect.x = (int)std::floor((int)x % rect.w); if (rect.x > 0) rect.x -= rect.w; rect.y = (int)std::floor((int)y % rect.h); if (rect.y > 0) rect.y -= rect.h; int numx = destrect->w / rect.w + 2; int numy = destrect->h / rect.h + 2; for (int x = 0; x < numx; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < numy; ++y) { SDL_Rect r{ rect.x + x * rect.w, rect.y + y * rect.h, rect.w, rect.h }; SDL_RenderCopy(rnd, tex, &*srcrect, &r); } } } } }