#include "World.h" #include #include #include "log.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "assets.h" namespace Swan { static void chunkLine(int l, WorldPlane &plane, ChunkPos &abspos, const Vec2i &dir) { for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) { plane.slowGetChunk(abspos).keepActive(); abspos += dir; } } std::vector World::loadMods(std::vector paths) { std::vector mods; mods.reserve(paths.size()); for (auto &path: paths) { OS::Dynlib dl(path + "/mod"); auto create = dl.get("mod_create"); if (create == NULL) { warn << path << ": No 'mod_create' function!"; continue; } std::unique_ptr mod(create(*this)); mods.push_back(ModWrapper(std::move(mod), std::move(path), std::move(dl))); } return mods; } Cygnet::ResourceManager World::buildResources() { Cygnet::ResourceBuilder builder(game_->renderer_); auto fillTileImage = [&](unsigned char *data, int r, int g, int b, int a) { for (size_t i = 0; i < TILE_SIZE * TILE_SIZE; ++i) { data[i * 4 + 0] = r; data[i * 4 + 1] = g; data[i * 4 + 2] = b; data[i * 4 + 2] = a; } }; struct ImageAsset fallbackImage = { .width = 32, .frameHeight = 32, .frameCount = 1, .data = std::make_unique(TILE_SIZE * TILE_SIZE * 4), }; fillTileImage(fallbackImage.data.get(), PLACEHOLDER_RED, PLACEHOLDER_GREEN, PLACEHOLDER_BLUE, 255); auto airImage = std::make_unique(TILE_SIZE * TILE_SIZE * 4); fillTileImage(airImage.get(), PLACEHOLDER_RED, PLACEHOLDER_GREEN, PLACEHOLDER_BLUE, 255); // Let tile ID 0 be the invalid tile builder.addTile(INVALID_TILE_ID, fallbackImage.data.get()); tilesMap_[INVALID_TILE_NAME] = INVALID_TILE_ID; tiles_.push_back(Tile(INVALID_TILE_ID, INVALID_TILE_NAME, { .name = "", .image = "", // Not used in this case .isSolid = false, })); items_.emplace(INVALID_TILE_NAME, Item(INVALID_TILE_ID, INVALID_TILE_NAME, { .name = "", .image = "", // Not used in this case })); // ...And tile ID 1 be the air tile builder.addTile(AIR_TILE_ID, std::move(airImage)); tilesMap_[AIR_TILE_NAME] = AIR_TILE_ID; tiles_.push_back(Tile(AIR_TILE_ID, AIR_TILE_NAME, { .name = "", .image = "", // Not used in this case .isSolid = false, })); items_.emplace(AIR_TILE_NAME, Item(AIR_TILE_ID, AIR_TILE_NAME, { .name = "", .image = "", // Not used in this case })); // Assets are namespaced on the mod, so if something references, say, // "core::stone", we need to know which directory the "core" mod is in std::unordered_map modPaths; for (auto &mod: mods_) { modPaths[mod.name()] = mod.path_; } auto loadTileImage = [&](std::string path) -> Result { // Don't force all tiles/items to have an associated image. // It could be that some tiles/items exist for a purpose which implies // it should never actually be visible. if (path == INVALID_TILE_NAME) { ImageAsset asset{ .width = 32, .frameHeight = 32, .frameCount = 1, .data = std::make_unique(TILE_SIZE * TILE_SIZE * 4), }; memcpy(asset.data.get(), fallbackImage.data.get(), TILE_SIZE * TILE_SIZE * 4); return {Ok, std::move(asset)}; } auto image = loadImageAsset(modPaths, path); if (!image) { warn << '\'' << path << "': " << image.err(); return {Err, '\'' + path + "': " + image.err()}; } else if (image->width != TILE_SIZE) { warn << '\'' << path << "': Width must be " << TILE_SIZE << " pixels"; return {Err, '\'' + path + "': Width must be " + std::to_string(TILE_SIZE) + " pixels"}; } else { return image; } }; // Need to fill in every tile before we do items, // because all items will end up after all tiles in the tile atlas. // In the rendering system, there's no real difference between a tile // and an item. for (auto &mod: mods_) { for (auto &tileBuilder: mod.tiles()) { auto image = loadTileImage(tileBuilder.image); std::string tileName = mod.name() + "::" + tileBuilder.name; Tile::ID tileId = tiles_.size(); if (image) { builder.addTile(tileId, std::move(image->data)); } else { warn << image.err(); builder.addTile(tileId, fallbackImage.data.get()); } tilesMap_[tileName] = tileId; tiles_.push_back(Tile(tileId, tileName, tileBuilder)); // All tiles should have an item. // Some items will be overwritten later my mod_->items, // but if not, this is their default item. items_.emplace(tileName, Item(tileId, tileName, { .name = "", .image = "", // Not used in this case })); } } // Put all items after all the tiles Tile::ID nextItemId = tiles_.size(); // Load all items which aren't just tiles in disguise. for (auto &mod: mods_) { for (auto &itemBuilder: mod.items()) { auto image = loadTileImage(itemBuilder.image); std::string itemName = mod.name() + "::" + itemBuilder.name; Tile::ID itemId = nextItemId++; if (image) { builder.addTile(itemId, std::move(image->data)); } else { warn << image.err(); builder.addTile(itemId, fallbackImage.data.get()); } items_.emplace(itemName, Item(itemId, itemName, itemBuilder)); } } // Load sprites for (auto &mod: mods_) { for (auto spritePath: mod.sprites()) { std::string path = mod.name() + "::" + spritePath; auto image = loadImageAsset(modPaths, path); if (image) { builder.addSprite( path, image->data.get(), image->width, image->frameHeight * image->frameCount, image->frameHeight); } else { warn << '\'' << path << "': " << image.err(); builder.addSprite( path, fallbackImage.data.get(), fallbackImage.width, fallbackImage.frameHeight * fallbackImage.frameCount, fallbackImage.frameHeight); } } } // Load world gens and entities for (auto &mod: mods_) { for (auto &worldGenFactory: mod.worldGens()) { std::string name = mod.name() + "::" + worldGenFactory.name; worldGenFactories_.emplace(name, worldGenFactory); } for (auto &entCollFactory: mod.entities()) { std::string name = mod.name() + "::" + entCollFactory.name; entCollFactories_.emplace(name, entCollFactory); } } return Cygnet::ResourceManager(std::move(builder)); } World::World(Game *game, unsigned long randSeed, std::vector modPaths): game_(game), random_(randSeed), mods_(loadMods(std::move(modPaths))), resources_(buildResources()) {} void World::ChunkRenderer::tick(WorldPlane &plane, ChunkPos abspos) { ZoneScopedN("World::ChunkRenderer tick"); int l = 0; RTClock clock; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { chunkLine(l, plane, abspos, Vec2i(0, -1)); chunkLine(l, plane, abspos, Vec2i(1, 0)); l += 1; chunkLine(l, plane, abspos, Vec2i(0, 1)); chunkLine(l, plane, abspos, Vec2i(-1, 0)); l += 1; } } void World::setWorldGen(std::string gen) { defaultWorldGen_ = std::move(gen); } void World::spawnPlayer() { player_ = &((dynamic_cast( planes_[currentPlane_]->spawnPlayer().get()))->get(BodyTrait::Tag{})); } void World::setCurrentPlane(WorldPlane &plane) { currentPlane_ = plane.id_; } WorldPlane &World::addPlane(const std::string &gen) { WorldPlane::ID id = planes_.size(); auto it = worldGenFactories_.find(gen); if (it == worldGenFactories_.end()) { panic << "Tried to add plane with non-existent world gen " << gen << "!"; abort(); } std::vector> colls; colls.reserve(entCollFactories_.size()); for (auto &fact: entCollFactories_) { colls.emplace_back(fact.second.create(fact.second.name)); } WorldGen::Factory &factory = it->second; std::unique_ptr g = factory.create(*this); planes_.push_back(std::make_unique( id, this, std::move(g), std::move(colls))); return *planes_[id]; } Tile::ID World::getTileID(const std::string &name) { auto iter = tilesMap_.find(name); if (iter == tilesMap_.end()) { warn << "Tried to get non-existent item " << name << "!"; return INVALID_TILE_ID; } return iter->second; } Tile &World::getTile(const std::string &name) { Tile::ID id = getTileID(name); return getTileByID(id); } Item &World::getItem(const std::string &name) { auto iter = items_.find(name); if (iter == items_.end()) { warn << "Tried to get non-existent item " << name << "!"; return items_.at(INVALID_TILE_NAME); } return iter->second; } Cygnet::RenderSprite &World::getSprite(const std::string &name) { auto iter = resources_.sprites_.find(name); if (iter == resources_.sprites_.end()) { warn << "Tried to get non-existent sprite " << name << "!"; return resources_.sprites_.at(INVALID_TILE_NAME); } return iter->second; } SDL_Color World::backgroundColor() { return planes_[currentPlane_]->backgroundColor(); } void World::draw(Cygnet::Renderer &rnd) { ZoneScopedN("World draw"); planes_[currentPlane_]->draw(rnd); } void World::update(float dt) { ZoneScopedN("World update"); for (auto &plane: planes_) plane->update(dt); game_->cam_.pos = player_->pos + Vec2{0.5, 0.5}; // - (win.getSize() / 2) + (player_->size / 2); TODO } void World::tick(float dt) { ZoneScopedN("World tick"); for (auto &plane: planes_) plane->tick(dt); chunkRenderer_.tick( *planes_[currentPlane_], ChunkPos((int)player_->pos.x / CHUNK_WIDTH, (int)player_->pos.y / CHUNK_HEIGHT)); } }