#include "shaders.h" namespace Cygnet::Shaders { const char *chunkVx = R"glsl( uniform mat3 camera; uniform vec2 pos; attribute vec2 vertex; varying vec2 v_tileCoord; void main() { vec3 pos = camera * vec3(pos + vertex, 1); gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy, 0, 1); v_tileCoord = vertex; } )glsl"; const char *chunkFr = R"glsl( precision mediump float; #define TILE_SIZE 32.0 #define CHUNK_WIDTH 64 #define CHUNK_HEIGHT 64 varying vec2 v_tileCoord; uniform sampler2D tileAtlas; uniform vec2 tileAtlasSize; uniform sampler2D tiles; void main() { vec2 tilePos = floor(vec2(v_tileCoord.x, v_tileCoord.y)); vec4 tileColor = texture2D(tiles, tilePos / vec2(CHUNK_WIDTH, CHUNK_HEIGHT)); float tileID = floor((tileColor.r * 256.0 + tileColor.a) * 256.0); // 1/(TILE_SIZE*16) plays the same role here as in the sprite vertex shader. vec2 offset = v_tileCoord - tilePos; vec2 pixoffset = (1.0 - offset * 2.0) / (TILE_SIZE * 16.0); vec2 atlasPos = vec2( pixoffset.x + tileID + offset.x, pixoffset.y + floor(tileID / tileAtlasSize.x) + offset.y); gl_FragColor = texture2D(tileAtlas, atlasPos / tileAtlasSize); } )glsl"; const char *spriteVx = R"glsl( #define TILE_SIZE 32.0 uniform mat3 camera; uniform mat3 transform; uniform vec2 frameSize; uniform vec2 frameInfo; // frame count, frame index attribute vec2 vertex; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { // Here, I'm basically treating 1/(TILE_SIZE*16) as half the size of a "pixel". // It's just an arbitrary small number, but it works as an offset to make sure // neighbouring parts of the atlas don't bleed into the frame we actually // want to draw due to (nearest neighbour) interpolation. float pixoffset = (1.0 - vertex.y * 2.0) / (frameSize.y * TILE_SIZE * 16.0); v_texCoord = vec2( vertex.x, (frameSize.y * frameInfo.y + (frameSize.y * vertex.y)) / (frameSize.y * frameInfo.x) + pixoffset); vec3 pos = camera * transform * vec3(vertex * frameSize, 1); gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy, 0, 1); } )glsl"; const char *spriteFr = R"glsl( precision mediump float; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D tex; void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex, v_texCoord); } )glsl"; const char *rectVx = R"glsl( uniform mat3 camera; uniform vec2 pos; uniform vec2 size; attribute vec2 vertex; varying vec2 v_coord; void main() { vec3 pos = camera * vec3(pos + vertex * size, 1); gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy, 0, 1); v_coord = vertex * size; } )glsl"; const char *rectFr = R"glsl( precision mediump float; #define THICKNESS 0.02 varying vec2 v_coord; uniform vec2 size; void main() { // TODO: This probably shouldn't be an if? if ( v_coord.x < THICKNESS || v_coord.x > size.x - THICKNESS || v_coord.y < THICKNESS || v_coord.y > size.y - THICKNESS) { gl_FragColor = vec4(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8); } else { gl_FragColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0); } } )glsl"; }