import assets from "./assets.js"; import Rect from "./Rect.js"; import Vec2 from "./Vec2.js"; import Texture from "./Texture.js"; function findBounds(arr, bounds) { arr.forEach(e => { let right = (e.x + 1) * assets.tiles.tileWidth; let bottom = (e.y + 1) * assets.tiles.tileHeight; if (right > bounds.size.x) bounds.size.pixelX = right; if (bottom > bounds.size.y) bounds.size.pixelY = bottom; }); } function rightOrBelow(r1, r2) { // r2 right of r1 if ( ( === && r1.bottom == r2.bottom) && (r1.right + 1 >= r2.left && r1.left <= r2.left)) return true; // r2 below r1 if ( (r1.right === r2.right && r1.left == r2.left) && (r1.bottom + 1 >= && <= return true; return false; } function continuous(r1, r2) { return rightOrBelow(r1, r2) || rightOrBelow(r2, r1); } function flattened(arr, newArr = []) { arr.forEach(e => { if (e instanceof Array) flattened(e, newArr); else newArr.push(e); }); return newArr; } export default class Structure { constructor(attrs, nestedArr) { this.texture = new Texture(assets.tiles, nestedArr); this.attrs = { wall: false, platform: false, } for (let a of attrs) this.setAttr(a); this.nestedArr = nestedArr; this.pos = new Vec2(); this.bounds = new Rect(this.pos); } init() { var arr = flattened(this.nestedArr); findBounds(arr, this.bounds); } draw(ctx) { this.texture.draw(ctx, this.pos.pixelX, this.pos.pixelY); } setAttr(attr) { if (this.attrs[attr] == null) throw new Error("Invalid attribute:", attr); this.attrs[attr] = true; return this; } }