{ "title": "Spus", "base_url": "http://example.com", "port": 8081, # PostrgeSQL credentials "db": { "host": "localhost", "user": "dbuser", "password": "dbpass", "database": "spus" }, # HTTPS settings "use_https": false, "https": { "key": "", "cert": "" }, # Open Web Analytics settings "use_owa": false, "owa": { "base_url": "", "site_id": "" }, # Scrypt settings for password hashing "scrypt": { "maxtime": 1 }, # Should we minify resources? "minify": true, # Timeout in milliseconds before a session is destroyed "session_timeout": 1800000, # Various directories "dir": { "imgs": "imgs", "web": "web" }, # In debug mode, an uncaught exception will stop the program and display # a neat stack trace. "debug": false, # To invalidate cache, we add "?$n" to static resource requests # (scripts, CSS, etc.), where "$n" is an incrementing number. # `max_runs` is how big $n can be before we reset to 0. "max_runs": 9999, # Time in seconds before static content caches are invalidated "cache_max_age": 2628000, # Time in seconds before image caches are invalidated "cache_max_age_images": 2628000, # How long time it should take before anonymous images are deleted "purge_collections_timeout": "2 days", # Time in milliseconds between each time we query the database for old # anonymous pictures "purge_collections_interval": 1800000 }