Feature: Popping cursors off of the mark stack Scenario: Single pop Given I turn off transient-mark-mode And I insert: """ hello there """ And I go to the front of the word "hello" And I set the mark And I go to the front of the word "there" And I press "M-x mc/mark-pop" Then I should have 2 cursors Scenario: Multiple pops Given I turn off transient-mark-mode And I insert: """ hello there, my friend """ And I go to the front of the word "hello" And I set the mark And I go to the front of the word "my" And I set the mark And I go to the front of the word "friend" And I press "M-x mc/mark-pop" And I press "M-x mc/mark-pop" Then I should have 3 cursors Scenario: Discard identical mark and point Given I turn off transient-mark-mode And I insert: """ hello there, my friend """ And I go to the front of the word "hello" And I set the mark And I go to the front of the word "my" And I set the mark And I go to the front of the word "friend" And I set the mark And I press "M-x mc/mark-pop" And I press "M-x mc/mark-pop" Then I should have 3 cursors Scenario: Changing the text Given I turn off transient-mark-mode And I insert: """ hello there, my friend """ And I go to the front of the word "hello" And I set the mark And I go to the front of the word "my" And I set the mark And I go to the front of the word "friend" And I press "M-x mc/mark-pop" And I press "M-x mc/mark-pop" And I type "!" Then I should see: """ !hello there, !my !friend """ Scenario: With transient-mark-mode And I insert: """ hello there, my friend """ And I go to the front of the word "hello" And I press "C-@ C-@" And I go to the front of the word "my" And I press "C-@ C-@" And I go to the front of the word "friend" And I press "M-x mc/mark-pop" And I press "M-x mc/mark-pop" And I type "!" Then I should see: """ !hello there, !my !friend """