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coffee.vim 1.5KB

  1. " Language: CoffeeScript
  2. " Maintainer: Mick Koch <>
  3. " URL:
  4. " License: WTFPL
  5. " Set up some common global/buffer variables.
  6. function! coffee#CoffeeSetUpVariables()
  7. " Path to coffee executable
  8. if !exists('g:coffee_compiler')
  9. let g:coffee_compiler = 'coffee'
  10. endif
  11. " Options passed to coffee with make
  12. if !exists('g:coffee_make_options')
  13. let g:coffee_make_options = ''
  14. endif
  15. " Path to cake executable
  16. if !exists('g:coffee_cake')
  17. let g:coffee_cake = 'cake'
  18. endif
  19. " Extra options passed to cake
  20. if !exists('g:coffee_cake_options')
  21. let g:coffee_cake_options = ''
  22. endif
  23. " Path to coffeelint executable
  24. if !exists('g:coffee_linter')
  25. let g:coffee_linter = 'coffeelint'
  26. endif
  27. " Options passed to CoffeeLint
  28. if !exists('g:coffee_lint_options')
  29. let g:coffee_lint_options = ''
  30. endif
  31. " Pass the litcoffee flag to tools in this buffer if a litcoffee file is open.
  32. " Let the variable be overwritten so it can be updated if a different filetype
  33. " is set.
  34. if &filetype == 'litcoffee'
  35. let b:coffee_litcoffee = '--literate'
  36. else
  37. let b:coffee_litcoffee = ''
  38. endif
  39. endfunction
  40. function! coffee#CoffeeSetUpErrorFormat()
  41. CompilerSet errorformat=Error:\ In\ %f\\,\ %m\ on\ line\ %l,
  42. \Error:\ In\ %f\\,\ Parse\ error\ on\ line\ %l:\ %m,
  43. \SyntaxError:\ In\ %f\\,\ %m,
  44. \%f:%l:%c:\ error:\ %m,
  45. \%-G%.%#
  46. endfunction