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rust.vim 1.1KB

  1. if !exists('g:rust_conceal') || !has('conceal') || &enc != 'utf-8'
  2. finish
  3. endif
  4. " For those who don't want to see `::`...
  5. if exists('g:rust_conceal_mod_path')
  6. syn match rustNiceOperator "::" conceal cchar=ㆍ
  7. endif
  8. syn match rustRightArrowHead contained ">" conceal cchar= 
  9. syn match rustRightArrowTail contained "-" conceal cchar=⟶
  10. syn match rustNiceOperator "->" contains=rustRightArrowHead,rustRightArrowTail
  11. syn match rustFatRightArrowHead contained ">" conceal cchar= 
  12. syn match rustFatRightArrowTail contained "=" conceal cchar=⟹
  13. syn match rustNiceOperator "=>" contains=rustFatRightArrowHead,rustFatRightArrowTail
  14. syn match rustNiceOperator /\<\@!_\(_*\>\)\@=/ conceal cchar=′
  15. " For those who don't want to see `pub`...
  16. if exists('g:rust_conceal_pub')
  17. syn match rustPublicSigil contained "pu" conceal cchar=*
  18. syn match rustPublicRest contained "b" conceal cchar= 
  19. syn match rustNiceOperator "pub " contains=rustPublicSigil,rustPublicRest
  20. endif
  21. hi link rustNiceOperator Operator
  22. if !exists('g:rust_conceal_mod_path')
  23. hi! link Conceal Operator
  24. endif