Simple image host.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

envy.theme 28KB

  1. # ___ ___ ___ ___
  2. # /\ \ /\__\ /\__\ |\__\
  3. # /::\ \ /::| | /:/ / |:| |
  4. # /:/\:\ \ /:|:| | /:/ / |:| |
  5. # /::\~\:\ \ /:/|:| |__ /:/__/ ___ |:|__|__
  6. # /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/ |:| /\__\ |:| | /\__\ /::::\__\
  7. # \:\~\:\ \/__/ \/__|:|/:/ / |:| |/:/ / /:/~~/~
  8. # \:\ \:\__\ |:/:/ / |:|__/:/ / /:/ /
  9. # \:\ \/__/ |::/ / \::::/__/ \/__/
  10. # \:\__\ /:/ / ~~~~
  11. # \/__/ \/__/ v. 3.6
  12. #
  13. # theme by rolle (rolle @ QuakeNet, rolle_ @ Ircnet)
  14. #
  15. #
  16. # you can find the most recent version here:
  17. #
  18. default_color = "-1";
  19. # Timestamp/servertag loppuun, ei alkuun
  20. info_eol = "false";
  21. replaces = { "[]=" = "$*"; };
  22. abstracts = {
  23. line_start = "%K";
  24. timestamp = "%K$*%n";
  25. hilight = "$*";
  26. error = "$*";
  27. channel = "$*";
  28. nick = "$*";
  29. nickhost = "$*";
  30. server = "$*";
  31. comment = "$*";
  32. reason = "{comment $*}";
  33. mode = "{comment $*}";
  34. channick_hilight = "$*";
  35. chanhost_hilight = "{nickhost $*}";
  36. channick = "$*";
  37. chanhost = "{nickhost $*}";
  38. channelhilight = "$*";
  39. ban = "$*";
  40. # Kaikissa alemmissa: $0 = mode, $1 = nick
  41. msgnick = "$0$1- %|";
  42. ownmsgnick = "{msgnick %K<$0 %G$1-%K>}%n";
  43. ownnick = "$*";
  44. pubmsgnick = "{msgnick %K<$0 %W$1-%K>}%n";
  45. pubnick = "$*";
  46. pubmsgmenick = "{msgnick %K<$0 %P$1-%K>}%P";
  47. menick = "%P$*%n";
  48. # $0 = hilightin väri, $1 = mode, $2 = nick
  49. pubmsghinick = "{msgnick %K<$1 %P$2-%K>%P}";
  50. msgchannel = ":$*";
  51. # $0 = nick, $1 = hosti
  52. privmsg = "[$0($1-)] ";
  53. # $0 = "msg", $1 = target nick
  54. ownprivmsg = "[$0($1-)] ";
  55. ownprivmsgnick = "{msgnick $*}";
  56. ownprivnick = "%K<%G$*%K>%n";
  57. privmsgnick = "%K<%B$*%K>%n ";
  58. action_core = " %r>%y>%g> %c$0-";
  59. action = "{action_core $*} ";
  60. ownaction = "{action $*}";
  61. ownaction_target = "{action_core $*}:$1 ";
  62. pvtaction = " (>>>) $* ";
  63. pvtaction_query = "{action $*}";
  64. pubaction = "{action $*}";
  65. ownnotice = "[$0($1-)] ";
  66. notice = "%g$*%K -> %G";
  67. whois = "%# $[8]0 : $1-";
  68. pubnotice_channel = ":$*";
  69. pvtnotice_host = "($*)";
  70. servernotice = "%r!$* %n";
  71. ownctcp = "[$0($1-)] ";
  72. ctcp = "$*";
  73. wallop = "$*: ";
  74. wallop_nick = "$*";
  75. wallop_action = " * $* ";
  76. netsplit = "$*";
  77. netjoin = "%K::%g:%K $*";
  78. names_prefix = "%K";
  79. names_nick = "%K[$0$1-] ";
  80. names_nick_op = "%K{names_nick $*}";
  81. names_nick_halfop = "%K{names_nick $*}";
  82. names_nick_voice = "%K{names_nick $*}";
  83. names_users = "%K[$*]";
  84. names_channel = "%K$*";
  85. dcc = "$*";
  86. dccfile = "$*";
  87. dccownmsg = "[$0($1-)] ";
  88. dccownnick = "$*";
  89. dccownquerynick = "$*";
  90. dccownaction = "{action $*}";
  91. dccownaction_target = "{action_core $0}:$1 ";
  92. dccmsg = "[$1-($0)] ";
  93. dccquerynick = "$*";
  94. dccaction = " (*dcc*) $* %|";
  95. sb_background = "";
  96. sb_window_bg = "%n%0";
  97. sb_default_bg = "";
  98. sb_prompt_bg = "%0";
  99. sb_info_bg = "";
  100. sb_topic_bg = "%G";
  101. sbstart = "";
  102. sbend = " ";
  103. topicsbstart = "{sbstart $*}";
  104. topicsbend = "{sbend $*}";
  105. prompt = "%R!%G$*%K: ";
  106. # sb = " %w/%W$*%w/%n";
  107. sb = " %w%g$*%g %n";
  108. sbmode = "";
  109. sbaway = "%r>%n";
  110. sbservertag = "%W$0%n";
  111. sbnickmode = "";
  112. sb_act_sep = "%w$*%n";
  113. sb_act_text = "%G$*%n";
  114. sb_act_msg = "%G$*%n";
  115. sb_act_hilight = "%r($*)%n";
  116. sb_act_hilight_color = "%r$0$1-%n";
  117. };
  118. formats = {
  119. "fe-common/core" = {
  120. query_start = "%K:%K:%g:%K %gStarting query%K in {server $1} with {nick $0}";
  121. join = "%K::%g:%K {channick_hilight $0} [{chanhost_hilight $1}] has %gjoined%K {channel $2}";
  122. part = "%r:%K:: {channick $0} [{chanhost $1}] has %rleft%K {channel $2}";
  123. quit = "%r:%K:: {channick $0} [{chanhost $1}] has %rquit%k ({reason $2})";
  124. quit_once = "%r:%K:: {channick $0} [{chanhost $1}] has %rquit%K ({reason $2})";
  125. nick_changed = "%K:%y:%K: {channick_hilight $0} is %ynow known as%K {channick_hilight $1}";
  126. # own_msg = "{ownmsgnick $2 {ownnick $[-10]0}}$1";
  127. # own_msg_channel = "{ownmsgnick $3 {ownnick $[-10]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
  128. # pubmsg_me = "{pubmsgmenick $2 {menick $[-10]0}}$1";
  129. # pubmsg_me_channel = "{pubmsgmenick $3 {menick $[-10]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
  130. # pubmsg_hilight = "{pubmsghinick $0 $3 $[-10]1}$2";
  131. # pubmsg_hilight_channel = "{pubmsghinick $0 $4 $[-10]1{msgchannel $2}}$3";
  132. # pubmsg = "{pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick \0030$0}}$1";
  133. # pubmsg_channel = "{pubmsgnick $3 {pubnick $[-10]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
  134. # line_start = "{line_start}";
  135. # line_start_irssi = "{line_start}{hilight Irssi} %W|%n ";
  136. line_start_irssi = "{line_start}";
  137. timestamp = "%K{timestamp $Z} ";
  138. # servertag = "$[-11]0 %W|%n ";
  139. servertag = "";
  140. daychange = "Day changed to %%d %%b %%Y %n";
  141. talking_with = "%r:%y:%g:%K You are now talking with {nick $0}";
  142. refnum_too_low = "%r:%K:: Window number must be greater than 1";
  143. error_server_sticky = "%r:%K:: Window's server is %rsticky%K and it cannot be changed without -unsticky option";
  144. set_server_sticky = "%K::%g:%K Window's server %gset sticky%K";
  145. unset_server_sticky = "%K::%g:%K Window's server isn't sticky anymore";
  146. window_name_not_unique = "%r:%K:: Window names must be unique";
  147. window_level = "%K::%g:%K Window level is now $0";
  148. windowlist_header = "Ref Name Active item Server Level";
  149. windowlist_line = "$[3]0 %|$[20]1 $[15]2 $[15]3 $4";
  150. windowlist_footer = "";
  151. windows_layout_saved = "%K::%g:%K Layout of windows is now %gremembered%K next time you start irssi";
  152. windows_layout_reset = "%K::%g:%K Layout of windows %greset%K to defaults";
  153. window_info_header = "";
  154. window_info_footer = "";
  155. window_info_refnum = "Window : {hilight #$0}";
  156. window_info_refnum_sticky = "Window : {hilight #$0 (sticky)}";
  157. window_info_name = "Name : $0";
  158. window_info_history = "History : $0";
  159. window_info_size = "Size : $0x$1";
  160. window_info_level = "Level : $0";
  161. window_info_server = "Server : $0";
  162. window_info_server_sticky = "Server : $0 (sticky)";
  163. window_info_theme = "Theme : $0$1";
  164. window_info_bound_items_header = "Bounds : {hilight Name Server tag}";
  165. window_info_bound_item = " : $[!30]0 $[!15]1 $2";
  166. window_info_bound_items_footer = "";
  167. window_info_items_header = "Items : {hilight Name Server tag}";
  168. window_info_item = " $[7]0: $[!30]1 $2";
  169. window_info_items_footer = "";
  170. looking_up = "%K::%g:%K %gLooking up%K {server $0}";
  171. connecting = "%K::%g:%K %gConnecting%K to {server $0} [$1] port {hilight $2}";
  172. connection_established = "%K::%g:%K Connection to {server $0} %gestablished%K";
  173. cant_connect = "%r:%K:: %rUnable to connect%K server {server $0} port {hilight $1} {reason $2}";
  174. connection_lost = "%r:%K:: %rConnection lost%K to {server $0}";
  175. lag_disconnected = "%r:%K:: %rNo PONG reply%K from server {server $0} in $1 seconds, disconnecting";
  176. disconnected = "%r:%K:: %rDisconnected%K from {server $0} {reason $1}";
  177. server_quit = "%r:%K:: %rDisconnecting%K from server {server $0}: {reason $1}";
  178. server_changed = "%K:%y:%K: %yChanged%K to {hilight $2} server {server $1}";
  179. unknown_server_tag = "%r:%K:: %rUnknown%K server tag {server $0}";
  180. no_connected_servers = "%r:%K:: %rNot connected%K to any servers";
  181. server_list = "{server $0}: $1:$2 ($3)";
  182. server_lookup_list = "{server $0}: $1:$2 ($3) (connecting...)";
  183. server_reconnect_list = "{server $0}: $1:$2 ($3) ($5 left before reconnecting)";
  184. server_reconnect_removed = "%K::%g:%K %gRemoved reconnection%K to server {server $0} port {hilight $1}";
  185. server_reconnect_not_found = "%r:%K:: Reconnection tag {server $0} %rnot found%K";
  186. setupserver_added = "%K::%g:%K Server {server $0} %gsaved%K";
  187. setupserver_removed = "%K::%g:%K Server {server $0} %gremoved%K";
  188. setupserver_not_found = "%r:%K:: Server {server $0} %rnot found%K";
  189. your_nick = "%r:%y:%g:%K Your nickname is {nick $0}";
  190. kick = "%r:%K:: {channick $0} was %rkicked%K from {channel $1} by {nick $2} ({reason $3})";
  191. invite = "%K:%y:%K: {channick_hilight $0} %yinvites%K you to {channel $1}";
  192. not_invited = "You have not been invited to a channel!";
  193. new_topic = "%K:%y:%K: {channick_hilight $0} %ychanged the topic%K of {channel $1} to: {hilight $2}";
  194. topic_unset = "%K:%y:%K: {channick_hilight $0} %yunset the topic%K on {channel $1}";
  195. your_nick_changed = "%K:%y:%K: You're %ynow known as%K {channick_hilight $1}";
  196. talking_in = "%r:%y:%g:%K You are now talking in {channel $0}";
  197. not_in_channels = "%r:%y:%g:%K You are not on any channels";
  198. current_channel = "%r:%y:%g:%K Current channel {channel $0}";
  199. names = "{names_users Users {names_channel $0}} {comment $1 total}";
  200. names_prefix = "{names_prefix $0}";
  201. names_nick_op = "{names_nick_op $0 $1}";
  202. names_nick_halfop = "{names_nick_halfop $0 $1}";
  203. names_nick_voice = "{names_nick_voice $0 $1}";
  204. names_nick = "{names_nick $0 $1}";
  205. endofnames = "%r:%y:%g:%K {channel $0}: Total of {hilight $1} nicks {comment {hilight $2} ops, {hilight $3} halfops, {hilight $4} voices, {hilight $5} normal}";
  206. chanlist_header = "%r:%y:%g:%K You are on the following channels:";
  207. chanlist_line = "{channel $[-9]0} %|+$1 ($2): $3";
  208. chansetup_not_found = "Channel {channel $0} not found";
  209. chansetup_added = "Channel {channel $0} saved";
  210. chansetup_removed = "Channel {channel $0} removed";
  211. chansetup_header = "Channel Network Password Settings";
  212. chansetup_line = "{channel $[15]0} %|$[10]1 $[10]2 $3";
  213. chansetup_footer = "";
  214. channel_move_notify = "{channel $0} is already joined in window $1, use \"/WINDOW ITEM MOVE $0\" to move it to this window";
  215. # own_msg_private = "{ownprivmsg msg $0}$1";
  216. # own_msg_private_query = "{ownprivmsgnick {ownprivnick $[-9]2}}$1";
  217. # msg_private = "{privmsg $0 $1}$2";
  218. # msg_private_query = "{privmsgnick $[-9]0}$2";
  219. no_msgs_got = "%r:%y:%g:%K You have not received a message from anyone yet";
  220. no_msgs_sent = "%r:%y:%g:%K You have not sent a message to anyone yet";
  221. query_stop = "%r:%y:%g:%K Closing query with {nick $0}";
  222. no_query = "%r:%y:%g:%K No query with {nick $0}";
  223. query_server_changed = "%K:%y:%K: Query with {nick $0} %ychanged%K to server {server $1}";
  224. query_move_notify = "%r:%y:%g:%K Query with {nick $0} is already created to window $1, use \"/WINDOW ITEM MOVE $0\" to move it to this window";
  225. hilight_header = "%r:%y:%g:%K Highlights:";
  226. hilight_line = "$[-4]0 $1 $2 $3$4$5";
  227. hilight_footer = "";
  228. hilight_not_found = "%r:%K:: Highlight %rnot found%K: $0";
  229. hilight_removed = "%K::%g:%K Highlight %gremoved%K: $0";
  230. alias_added = "%K::%g:%K Alias $0 %gadded%K";
  231. alias_removed = "%K::%g:%K Alias $0 %gremoved%K";
  232. alias_not_found = "%r:%K:: %rNo such%K alias: $0";
  233. aliaslist_header = "%r:%y:%g:%K Aliases:";
  234. aliaslist_line = "$[10]0 $1";
  235. aliaslist_footer = "";
  236. log_opened = "%K::%g:%K Log file {hilight $0} %gopened%K";
  237. log_closed = "%K::%g:%K Log file {hilight $0} %gclosed%K";
  238. log_create_failed = "%r:%K:: %rCouldn't create%K log file {hilight $0}: $1";
  239. log_locked = "%r:%K:: Log file {hilight $0} is %rlocked%K, probably by another running Irssi";
  240. log_not_open = "%r:%K:: Log file {hilight $0} %rnot open%K";
  241. log_started = "%K::%g:%K %gStarted%K logging to file {hilight $0}";
  242. log_stopped = "%r:%K:: %rStopped%K logging to file {hilight $0}";
  243. log_list_header = "%r:%y:%g:%K Logs:";
  244. log_list = "$0 $1: $2 $3$4";
  245. log_list_footer = "";
  246. windowlog_file = "%K::%g:%K Window LOGFILE set to $0";
  247. windowlog_file_logging = "%r:%K:: %rCan't change%K window's logfile while log is on";
  248. no_away_msgs = "%r:%K:: %rNo new%K messages in awaylog";
  249. away_msgs = "%K::%g:%K {hilight $1} %gnew messages%K in awaylog:";
  250. module_header = "Module Type Submodules";
  251. module_line = "$[!20]0 $[7]1 $2";
  252. module_footer = "";
  253. module_already_loaded = "%r:%K:: Module {hilight $0/$1} already loaded";
  254. module_not_loaded = "%r:%K:: Module {hilight $0/$1} %ris not loaded%K";
  255. module_load_error = "%r:%K:: %rError%K loading module {hilight $0/$1}: $2";
  256. module_invalid = "%r:%K:: {hilight $0/$1} isn't Irssi module";
  257. module_loaded = "%K::%g:%K %gLoaded%K module {hilight $0/$1}";
  258. module_unloaded = "%r:%K:: %rUnloaded%K module {hilight $0/$1}";
  259. command_unknown = "%r:%K:: %rUnknown%K command: $0";
  260. command_ambiguous = "%r:%K:: %rAmbiguous%K command: $0";
  261. option_unknown = "%r:%K:: %rUnknown%K option: $0";
  262. option_ambiguous = "%r:%K:: %rAmbiguous%K option: $0";
  263. option_missing_arg = "%r:%K:: %rMissing%K required argument for: $0";
  264. not_enough_params = "%r:%K:: %rNot enough%K parameters given";
  265. not_connected = "%r:%K:: %rNot connected%K to server";
  266. not_joined = "%r:%K:: %rNot joined%K to any channel";
  267. chan_not_found = "%r:%K:: %rNot joined%K to such channel";
  268. chan_not_synced = "%r:%K:: Channel %rnot fully synchronized%K yet, try again after a while";
  269. illegal_proto = "%r:%K:: Command isn't designed for the chat protocol of the active server";
  270. not_good_idea = "%r:%K:: Doing this is %rnot a good idea%K. Add -YES if you really mean it";
  271. theme_saved = "%K::%g:%K Theme %gsaved%K to $0";
  272. theme_save_failed = "%r:%K:: %rError%K saving theme to $0: $1";
  273. theme_not_found = "%r:%K:: Theme {hilight $0} %rnot found%K";
  274. theme_changed = "%K:%y:%K: %yUsing%K now theme {hilight $0} ($1)";
  275. window_theme = "%K::%g:%K %gUsing%K theme {hilight $0} in this window";
  276. window_theme_default = "%r:%K:: %rNo theme is set%K for this window";
  277. window_theme_changed = "%K:%y:%K: %yUsing%K now theme {hilight $0} ($1) in this window";
  278. window_theme_removed = "%K::%g:%K %gRemoved%K theme from this window";
  279. format_title = "%:[{hilight $0}] - [{hilight $1}]%:";
  280. format_subtitle = "[{hilight $0}]";
  281. format_item = "$0 = $1";
  282. ignored = "%K::%g:%K %gIgnoring%K {hilight $1} from {nick $0}";
  283. unignored = "%K::%g:%K %gUnignored%K {nick $0}";
  284. ignore_not_found = "%K::%g:%K {nick $0} %gis not%K being ignored";
  285. ignore_no_ignores = "%r:%y:%g:%K There are no ignores";
  286. ignore_header = "%r:%y:%g:%K Ignorance List:";
  287. ignore_line = "$[-4]0 $1: $2 $3 $4";
  288. ignore_footer = "";
  289. unknown_chat_protocol = "%r:%K:: %rUnknown%K chat protocol: $0";
  290. unknown_chatnet = "%r:%K:: %rUnknown%K chat network: $0 (create it with /IRCNET ADD)";
  291. not_toggle = "%r:%K:: Value must be either ON, OFF or TOGGLE";
  292. perl_error = "%r:%K:: Perl %rerror%K: $0";
  293. bind_key = "$[!20]0 $1 $2";
  294. bind_unknown_id = "%r:%K:: %rUnknown%K bind action: $0";
  295. config_saved = "%K::%g:%K %gSaved%K configuration to file $0";
  296. config_reloaded = "%K::%g:%K %gReloaded%K configuration";
  297. config_modified = "%r:%y:%g:%K Configuration file was modified since irssi was last started - do you want to overwrite the possible changes?";
  298. glib_error = "{error GLib $0} $1";
  299. overwrite_config = "%r:%y:%g:%K Overwrite config (%gy%K/%rN%K)?";
  300. set_title = "[{hilight $0}]";
  301. set_item = "$0 = $1";
  302. set_unknown = "%r:%K:: %rUnknown%K setting $0";
  303. set_not_boolean = "%r:%K:: Setting {hilight $0} isn't boolean, use /SET";
  304. translation_not_found = "%r:%K:: %rError%K opening translation table file $0: $1";
  305. translation_file_error = "%r:%K:: %rError%K parsing translation table file $0";
  306. };
  307. "fe-common/irc/dcc" = {
  308. dcc_list_header = "{line_start_irssi}{dcc DCC connections:}";
  309. dcc_list_footer = "{line_start_irssi}{dcc ];}";
  310. # own_dcc = "{dccownmsg dcc {dccownnick $1}}$2";
  311. # own_dcc_action = "{dccownaction_target $0 $1}$2";
  312. # own_dcc_action_query = "{dccownaction $0}$2";
  313. # own_dcc_ctcp = "{ownctcp ctcp $0}$1 $2";
  314. # dcc_msg = "{dccmsg dcc $0}$1";
  315. # action_dcc = "{dccaction $0}$1";
  316. # action_dcc_query = "{dccaction $0}$1";
  317. # own_dcc_query = "{ownmsgnick {dccownquerynick $0}}$2";
  318. # dcc_msg_query = "{privmsgnick $0}$1";
  319. dcc_ctcp = "%K::%g:%K {dcc >>> DCC CTCP {hilight $1} %greceived%K from {hilight $0}: $2}";
  320. dcc_chat = "%K::%g:%K {dcc DCC CHAT from {nick $0} [$1 port $2]}";
  321. dcc_chat_channel = "%K::%g:%K {dcc DCC CHAT from {nick $0} [$1 port $2] %grequested%K in channel {channel $3}}";
  322. dcc_chat_not_found = "%K::%g:%K {dcc No DCC CHAT %gconnection open%K to {nick $0}}";
  323. dcc_chat_connected = "%K::%g:%K {dcc DCC CHAT connection with {nick $0} [$1 port $2] %gestablished%K}";
  324. dcc_chat_disconnected = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC %rlost chat%K to {nick $0}}";
  325. dcc_send = "%K::%g:%K {dcc DCC SEND from {nick $0} [$1 port $2]: $3 [$4 bytes]}";
  326. dcc_send_channel = "%K::%g:%K {dcc DCC SEND from {nick $0} [$1 port $2]: $3 [$4 bytes] %grequested%K in channel {channel $5}}";
  327. dcc_send_exists = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC %ralready sending%K file {dccfile $0} for {nick $1}}";
  328. dcc_send_not_found = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC %rnot sending%K file {dccfile $1} to {nick $0}}";
  329. dcc_send_file_open_error = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC %rcan't open%K file {dccfile $0}: $1}";
  330. dcc_send_connected = "%K::%g:%K {dcc DCC %gsending%K file {dccfile $0} for {nick $1} [$2 port $3]}";
  331. dcc_send_complete = "%K::%g:%K {dcc DCC %gsent%K file {dccfile $0} [{hilight $1}kB] for {nick $2} in {hilight $3} secs [{hilight $4kB/s}]}";
  332. dcc_send_aborted = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC %raborted%K sending file {dccfile $0} for {nick $1}}";
  333. dcc_get_not_found = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC no file offered by {nick $0}}";
  334. dcc_get_connected = "%K::%g:%K {dcc DCC %greceiving%K file {dccfile $0} from {nick $1} [$2 port $3]}";
  335. dcc_get_complete = "%K::%g:%K {dcc DCC %greceived%K file {dccfile $0} [$1kB] from {nick $2} in {hilight $3} secs [$4kB/s]}";
  336. dcc_get_aborted = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC %raborted%K receiving file {dccfile $0} from {nick $1}}";
  337. dcc_unknown_ctcp = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC unknown ctcp {hilight $0} from {nick $1} [$2]}";
  338. dcc_unknown_reply = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC unknown reply {hilight $0} from {nick $1} [$2]}";
  339. dcc_unknown_type = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC unknown type {hilight $0}}";
  340. dcc_invalid_ctcp = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC received CTCP {hilight $0} with %rinvalid%K parameters from {nick $1}}";
  341. dcc_connect_error = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC %rcan't connect%K to {hilight $0} port {hilight $1}}";
  342. dcc_cant_create = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC %rcan't create%K file {dccfile $0}}";
  343. dcc_rejected = "%r:%K:: {dcc DCC $0 was %rrejected%K by {nick $1} [{hilight $2}]}";
  344. dcc_request_send = "%K::%g:%K {dcc DCC $0 %grequest sent%K to {nick $1}: $2";
  345. dcc_close = "{dcc DCC $0 close for {nick $1} [{hilight $2}]}";
  346. dcc_lowport = "{dcc Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport ({hilight $0, $1}) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall)}";
  347. dcc_list_line_chat = "%WChat ->%n {dcc $0 $1}";
  348. dcc_list_line_file = "%WFile ->%n {dcc $0 $1 : $2k of $3k ($4%%) - $5kB/s - $6}";
  349. };
  350. "fe-text" = {
  351. lastlog_too_long = "%r:%y:%g:%K /LASTLOG would print $0 lines. If you really want to print all these lines use -force option.";
  352. lastlog_count = "{hilight Lastlog}: $0 lines";
  353. lastlog_start = "{hilight Lastlog}:";
  354. lastlog_end = "{hilight End of Lastlog}";
  355. refnum_not_found = "%r:%K::%K Window number $0 %rnot found%K";
  356. window_too_small = "%r:%K::%K %rNot enough room%K to resize this window";
  357. cant_hide_last = "%r:%K::%K You %rcan't hide%K the last window";
  358. cant_hide_sticky_windows = "%r:%K::%K You %rcan't hide%K sticky windows (use /WINDOW STICK OFF)";
  359. cant_show_sticky_windows = "%r:%K::%K You %rcan't show%K sticky windows (use /WINDOW STICK OFF)";
  360. window_not_sticky = "%r:%K::%K Window %ris not%K sticky";
  361. window_set_sticky = "%K::%g:%K Window %gset%K sticky";
  362. window_unset_sticky = "%K::%g:%K Window %gis not%K sticky anymore";
  363. window_info_sticky = "Sticky : $0";
  364. window_scroll = "%K::%g:%K Window scroll mode is now $0";
  365. window_scroll_unknown = "%r:%K:: %rUnknown%K scroll mode $0, must be ON, OFF or DEFAULT";
  366. };
  367. "fe-common/irc" = {
  368. netsplit = "%r:%K:: %r{netsplit netsplit}%K %|{server $0} <-> {server $1} %rquits%K: $2";
  369. netsplit_more = "%r:%K:: %r{netsplit netsplit}%K %|{server $0} <-> {server $1} %rquits:%K $2 (+$3 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)";
  370. netsplit_join = "%K::%g:%K %g{netjoin netsplit}%K - %|%gjoins:%K $0";
  371. netsplit_join_more = "%%K::%g:%K %g{netjoin netsplit}%K - %|over, %gjoins:%K $0 (+$1 more)";
  372. no_netsplits = "%r:%y:%g:%K There are no netsplits";
  373. netsplits_header = "Nick Channel Server Splitted server";
  374. netsplits_line = "$[9]0 $[10]1 $[20]2 $3";
  375. netsplits_footer = "";
  376. ircnet_added = "%K::%g:%K Ircnet $0 %gsaved%K";
  377. ircnet_removed = "%K::%g:%K Ircnet $0 %gremoved%K";
  378. ircnet_not_found = "%r:%K:: Ircnet $0 %rnot found%K";
  379. ircnet_header = "%r:%y:%g:%K Ircnets:";
  380. ircnet_line = "$0: $1";
  381. ircnet_footer = "";
  382. setupserver_header = "Server Port Network Settings";
  383. setupserver_line = "%|$[!20]0 $[5]1 $[10]2 $3";
  384. setupserver_footer = "";
  385. joinerror_toomany = "%r:%K:: Join %rfails%K: {channel $0} (You have joined to too many channels)";
  386. joinerror_full = "%r:%K:: Join %rfails%K: {channel $0} (Channel is full)";
  387. joinerror_invite = "%r:%K:: Join %rfails%K: {channel $0} (You must be invited)";
  388. joinerror_banned = "%r:%K:: Join %rfails%K: {channel $0} (You are banned)";
  389. joinerror_bad_key = "%r:%K:: Join %rfails%K: {channel $0} (Wrong channel key)";
  390. joinerror_bad_mask = "%r:%K:: Join %rfails%K: {channel $0} (Bad channel mask)";
  391. joinerror_unavail = "%r:%K:: Join %rfails%K: {channel $0} (Channel is temporarily unavailable)";
  392. joinerror_duplicate = "%r:%K:: Channel {channel $0} already exists - %rcannot create%K it";
  393. channel_rejoin = "%r:%K:: Channel {channel $0} is temporarily %runavailable%K. Setting up a rejoin, to not rejoin, use /rmrejoins.";
  394. inviting = "%K::%g:%K %gInviting%K {nick $0} to {channel $1}";
  395. channel_created = "%r:%y:%g:%K Channel {channel $0} created %_$1%_";
  396. url = "%r:%y:%g:%K Home page for {channelhilight $0}: $1";
  397. topic = "%r:%y:%g:%K Topic for {channel $0}: %_$1%_";
  398. no_topic = "%r:%y:%g:%K No topic set for %_$0%_";
  399. topic_info = "%r:%y:%g:%K Topic set by {channick_hilight $0} {mode $1}";
  400. chanmode_change = "%K:%y:%K: %ymode%K/{channel $0} [{mode $1}] by {nick $2}";
  401. server_chanmode_change = "%K::%g: {netsplit ServerMode}%K/{channelhilight $0}: {mode $1} by {nick $2}";
  402. channel_mode = "%K:%y:%K: %ymode%K/{channelhilight $0} [{mode $1}]";
  403. bantype = "%K:%y:%K: Ban type %ychanged%K to {channel $0}";
  404. no_bans = "%r:%y:%g:%K No bans in channel {channel $0}";
  405. banlist = "$0 - {channel $1}: ban {ban $2}";
  406. banlist_long = "$0 - {channel $1}: ban {ban $2} {comment by {nick $3}, $4 secs ago}";
  407. ebanlist = "{channel $0}: ban exception {ban $1}";
  408. ebanlist_long = "{channel $0}: ban exception {ban $1} {comment by {nick $2}, $3 secs ago}";
  409. no_invitelist = "%r:%y:%g:%K Invite list is empty in channel {channel $0}";
  410. invitelist = "{channel $0}: invite {ban $1}";
  411. no_such_channel = "%r:%K::%K {channel $0}: %rNo such%K channel";
  412. channel_change = "%K:%y:%K: %ymode%K/{channel $0} [{mode $1}]";
  413. channel_synced = "%r:%y:%g:%K Join to {channel $0} was synced in {hilight $1} secs";
  414. usermode_change = "%K:%y:%K: %ymode%K/{channel $0} [{mode $0}] by {channick_hilight $1}";
  415. user_mode = "%r:%y:%g:%K Your user mode is {mode $0}";
  416. away = "%K::%g:%K You have been %gmarked%K as being away";
  417. unaway = "%K::%g:%K You are %gno longer marked%K as being away";
  418. nick_away = "%r:%K::%K {nick $0} is %raway%K: $1";
  419. no_such_nick = "%r:%K::%K {nick $0}: %rNo such%K nick/channel";
  420. nick_in_use = "%r:%K::%K Nick {nick $0} is %ralready in use%K";
  421. nick_unavailable = "%r:%K::%K Nick {nick $0} is temporarily %runavailable%K";
  422. your_nick_owned = "%r:%K::%K Your nick is %rowned%K by {nick $3} {comment $1@$2}";
  423. whois = "%K:%K:%g:%K %g%U{nick $0}%U%K ({nickhost $1@$2})%:%r:%y:%g:%K ircname: $3";
  424. whowas = "%r:%y:%g:%K {nick $0} {nickhost $1@$2}%:%r:%y:%g:%K {whois ircname $3}";
  425. whois_idle = "%r:%y:%g:%K Idle: %|since $1 days $2 hours $3 mins $4 secs";
  426. whois_idle_signon = "%r:%y:%g:%K Idle: %|since $1 days $2 hours $3 mins $4 secs {comment Signed on: $5}";
  427. whois_server = "%r:%y:%g:%K Server: %|$1 {comment $2}";
  428. whois_oper = "%r:%y:%g:%K Info: %|{hilight $1}";
  429. whois_registered = "%r:%y:%g:%K Info: %|has registered this nick";
  430. whois_help = "%r:%y:%g:%K Info: %|available for help";
  431. whois_modes = "%r:%y:%g:%K Modes: %|{mode $1}";
  432. whois_realhost = "%r:%y:%g:%K Hostname: %|{hilight $1-}";
  433. whois_usermode = "%r:%y:%g:%K Usermode: %|{mode $1}";
  434. whois_channels = "%r:%y:%g:%K Channels: %|{channel $1}";
  435. whois_away = "%r:%y:%g:%K Away: %|$1";
  436. whois_special = "%r:%y:%g:%K Info: %|$1";
  437. whois_extra = "%r:%y:%g:%K Info: %|$1";
  438. end_of_whois = "%r:%K::%K %rEnd%K of WHOIS%K";
  439. end_of_whowas = "%r:%y:%g:%K End of WHOWAS";
  440. whois_not_found = "%r:%K::%K There is %rno such%K nick {channick_hilight $0}";
  441. who = "{channelhilight $[-10]0} %|{nick $[!9]1} $[!3]2 $[!2]3 $4@$5 {comment {hilight $6}}";
  442. end_of_who = "%r:%y:%g:%K End of /WHO list";
  443. own_notice = "{ownnotice notice $0}$1";
  444. # own_action = "{nick $[-11]0}%n $1";
  445. # own_action_target = "{ownaction_target $0 $2}$1";
  446. own_ctcp = "{ownctcp ctcp $0}$1 $2";
  447. notice_server = "{servernotice $0}$1";
  448. notice_public = "{notice $0{pubnotice_channel $1}}$2";
  449. notice_private = "{notice $0{pvtnotice_host $1}}$2";
  450. # action_private = "{pvtaction $0}$2";
  451. # action_private_query = "{pvtaction_query $0}$2";
  452. # action_public = " {nick $[-11]0}%n $1";
  453. # action_public_channel = "{pubaction $0{msgchannel $1}}$2";
  454. ctcp_reply = "%K::%g:%K %gCTCP%K {hilight $0} reply from {channick_hilight $1}: $2";
  455. ctcp_reply_channel = "%K::%g:%K %gCTCP {hilight $0} reply%K from {channick_hilight $1} in channel {channel $3}: $2";
  456. ctcp_ping_reply = "%K::%g:%K %gCTCP {hilight PING} reply%K from {channick_hilight $0}: $1.$[-3.0]2 seconds";
  457. ctcp_requested = "%K::%g:%K %K{ctcp {hilight $0} {comment $1} %grequested%K {hilight $2} from {nick $3}}";
  458. ctcp_requested_unknown = "";
  459. online = "%r:%y:%g:%K Users online: {hilight $0}";
  460. pong = "%K::%g:%K PONG %greceived%K from $0: $1";
  461. wallops = "{wallop WALLOP {wallop_nick $0}} $1";
  462. action_wallops = "{wallop WALLOP {wallop_action $0}} $1";
  463. kill = "%r:%K:: You were %r{error killed}%K by {nick $0} {nickhost $1} {reason $2} {comment Path: $3}";
  464. kill_server = "%r:%K:: You were %r{error killed}%K by {server $0} {reason $1} {comment Path: $2}";
  465. error = "%r:%K:: %r{error ERROR}%K $0";
  466. unknown_mode = "%r:%K:: %rUnknown%K mode character $0";
  467. not_chanop = "%r:%K:: You're %rnot channel operator%K in {channel $0}";
  468. silenced = "%K::%g:%K %gSilenced%K {nick $0}";
  469. unsilenced = "%K::%g:%K %gUnsilenced%K {nick $0}";
  470. silence_line = "{nick $0}: silence {ban $1}";
  471. ask_oper_pass = "%r:%y:%g:%K Operator password:";
  472. };
  473. "fe-common/perl" = {
  474. script_not_found = "%r:%K:: Script {hilight $0} %rnot found%K";
  475. script_not_loaded = "%r:%K:: Script {hilight $0} %ris not%K loaded";
  476. script_loaded = "%K::%g:%K %gLoaded%K script {hilight $0}";
  477. script_unloaded = "%r:%K:: %rUnloaded%K script {hilight $0}";
  478. no_scripts_loaded = "%r:%y:%g:%K No scripts are loaded";
  479. script_list_header = "%r:%y:%g:%K Loaded scripts:";
  480. script_list_line = "$[!15]0 $1";
  481. script_list_footer = "";
  482. script_error = "{error %r:%K:: %rError%K in script {hilight $0}:}";
  483. };
  484. # "fe-common/irc/notifylist" = {
  485. # notify_join = "{nick $0} [$1@$2] [{hilight $3}] has joined to $4";
  486. # notify_part = "{nick $0} has left $4";
  487. # notify_away = "{nick $0} [$5] [$1@$2] [{hilight $3}] is now away: $4";
  488. # notify_unaway = "{nick $0} [$4] [$1@$2] [{hilight $3}] is now unaway";
  489. # notify_unidle = "{nick $0} [$5] [$1@$2] [{hilight $3}] just stopped idling";
  490. # notify_online = "On $0: {hilight $1}";
  491. # notify_offline = "Offline: $0";
  492. # notify_list = "$0: $1 $2 $3";
  493. # notify_list_empty = "The notify list is empty";
  494. # };
  495. };