var spawn = require("child_process").spawn; var fs = require("fs"); var net = require("net"); var Queue = require("../queue"); exports.httpPath = "/playback"; var child = null; var ipcServer = process.cwd()+"/mpv-ipc-socket"; function cmd(params, cb) { if (child == null || child.sock == null) return; child.sock.write(JSON.stringify({ command: params })+"\n"); child.msgqueue.dequeue(obj => { if (cb) cb(obj); }); } function getState(cb) { if (child == null) { cb({ playing: false, paused: false, muted: false, duration: 0, time_pos: 0, volume: 0, volume_max: 0 }); return; } var state = { playing: true }; var cbs = 6; function next() { cbs -= 1; if (cbs === 0) cb(state); } cmd(["get_property", "pause"], res => { state.paused =; next(); }); cmd(["get_property", "mute"], res => { state.muted =; next(); }); cmd(["get_property", "duration"], res => { state.duration =; next(); }); cmd(["get_property", "time-pos"], res => { state.time_pos =; next(); }); cmd(["get_property", "volume"], res => { state.volume =; next(); }); cmd(["get_property", "volume-max"], res => { state.volume_max =; next(); }); } exports.isPlaying = function() { return child != null; } = function(path, subFile, cb) { exports.stop(); var args = [ path, "--no-cache-pause", "--no-resume-playback", "--input-ipc-server", ipcServer ]; if (subFile) { args.push("--sub-file"); args.push(subFile); } var lchild = spawn("mpv", args, { stdio: "inherit" }); child = lchild; lchild.running = true; lchild.once("close", () => { if (lchild.running) exports.stop(); }); lchild.on("error", err => console.error(err.toString())); lchild.state = {}; lchild.msgqueue = Queue(); lchild.initTimeout = setTimeout(() => { // Create socket lchild.sock = net.connect(ipcServer, () => { // Add output from mpv to the queue lchild.sock.on("data", d => { d.toString().split("\n").forEach(str => { if (str == "") return; var obj = JSON.parse(str); if (obj.event) return; lchild.msgqueue.push(obj); }); }); lchild.sock.on("error", err => console.trace(err)); cmd(["set_property", "fullscreen", "yes"]); cb(); }); }, 1000); } exports.stop = function() { if (child) { child.running = false; child.kill("SIGKILL"); clearTimeout(child.initTimeout); child = null; exports.onstop(); } try { fs.unlinkSync(ipcServer); } catch (err) {} } exports.init = function(app) { function evt(p, cb) {"/"+p, (req, res) => cb(req, res)); } evt("exit", (req, res) => { res.end(); exports.stop() }); evt("state", (req, res) => { getState((state) => { res.json(state); }); }); evt("set/:key/:val", (req, res) => { cmd(["set_property", req.params.key, req.params.val]); res.end(); }); }