# MMPC2 The second version of Mort's Media PC. ## Goal MMPC2 is meant to be running constantly on a HTPC, letting you stream media to a TV and control the playback remotely, all through a web interface. It allows you to stream three kinds of movies: * URLs - YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, plain HTTP streams, anything supported by mpv and youtube-dl. * Magnet Links - Stream any torrent. * Files - Upload files and have them play. For magnet links and files, subtitles will automatically be downloaded if you want and subtitles exist for it in OpenSubtitles. ## Installation Install git, a recent version of node, and npm, clone the repository, run `npm install`, copy `conf.json.example` to `conf.json`, and run `node server.js`. git clone https://github.com/mortie/mmpc2.git cd mmpc2 npm install cp conf.json.example node server.js ### Getting a recent version of node.js Many distros ship old versions of node, which won't work with MMPC2. To fix this, install node.js and npm (`sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy npm` on Debian and Ubuntu), then install `n` and install a new version of node with that. sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy npm sudo npm install -g n sudo n stable With rolling release distros, the version of node in the package manager will generally be new enough - e.g `sudo pacman -S npm node` in arch is enough. ### Getting a recent version of mpv MMPC2 requires a relatively new version of mpv, newer than what's currently in Debian and Ubuntu. For Ubuntu, you could just add this ppa to your system: https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/Ubuntu/mpv-tests sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/mpv-tests sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mpv For Debian, you will probably have to either use the testing repositories to install mpv, get some binary from somewhere, or compile it from source. I compiled from source when installing it on the Debian stable (jessie), and the instructions are a bit too long to include here, but you can get the source from here: https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/releases/latest and get the source there. Make sure to compile with luajit support for youtube-dl, and libpulse for pulseaudio (if you use that). ### Getting a recent version of youtbe-dl Debian may ship a version of youtube-dl that's so old it doesn't really work anymore - I had that problem with my Debian box. To fix that, uninstall youtube-dl if you installed with apt-get (`apt-get remove youtube-dl`), and install it through pip (installing pip if necessary) sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install youtube-dl ## Configuration `conf.json` contains a couple of configuration options (assuming you copied `conf.json.example` to `conf.json`). These are: { "tmpdir": String. The directory to store temporary files in. Default: "tmp" "subtitles": String (or false). The language code for the subtitles, or false for no subtitles. Default: "en" (english). "additional_links": Array of objects which look like this: { "name": "some name", "url": "some URL" } Lets you add more parts to the index page. I use it to link to an instance of guacamole, a web based VNC client. ( https://guacamole.incubator.apache.org/ ) }