University stuff.
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* Compile: `javac *.java`
* Run test case: `./test <test dir>`
* test 1: no matches (empty haystack)
* test 2: no matches (empty needle)
* test 3: "cog" (0-2), "cag"(8-10)
* test 4: "horse" (0-4), "house"(5-9)
* test 5: "this\nis\ntext" (0-11), "this is text" (13-24)
* contains the main method.
* I have assumed '_' should match a single character (like . in regex),
not any number of characters (like * in bash).
* My code is heavily influenced by the explanation of Boyer Moore Horspool
in lecture 10.

# Explanation of why it works

The only change I made from standard Boyer Moore Horspool is that
instead of checking whether a position in the needle matches the corresponding
position in the haystack, I check if a positiion in the needle matches
either '_' or the corresponding position in the heystack.
I also modified it such that instead of returning on the first match,
it just adds the match to an array, breaks out of the inner for loop, and
goes on to find the next match.