var http = require("http"); var urllib = require("url"); var fs = require("fs"); var res404 = "404 not found: {{pathname}}"; var res403 = "403 forbidden: {{pathname}}"; function template(tpml, args) { for (var i in args) { tpml = tpml.split("{{"+i+"}}").join(args[i]); } return tpml; } class App { constructor(options) { options = options || {}; // 403 and 404 response this.res404 = options.res404 || res404; this.res403 = options.res403 || res403; // Script to be served as /webby.js this.clientScript = ""; // Create server if (options.server !== undefined) { this.server = options.server; } else { this.server = http.createServer(); var port = options.port || process.env.PORT | 8080; var host = || ""; this.server.listen(port, host);"Listening on "+host+":"+port); } this._routeMap = {}; this._routes = []; // Add scripts if (options.client_utils) { this.addScript("client_utils", fs.readFileSync(__dirname+"/client/utils.js", "utf8")); } // Serve /webby.js this.get("/webby.js", (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/javascript" }); res.end(this.clientScript); }); // Listen for requests this.server.on("request", (req, res) => { var url = urllib.parse(req.url); req.urlobj = url; var route = null; // If the route is in the hash map, use that var r = this._routeMap[url.pathname]; if (r && (r.method === "ALL" || r.method === req.method)) { route = r; // Search through the routes list and look for matching routes } else { for (var i in this._routes) { var r = this._routes[i]; if (r.pattern.test(req.urlobj.pathname)) { route = r; break; } } } // If we still have no route, 404 if (route === null) { res.writeHead(404); res.end(template(this.res404, { pathname: req.urlobj.pathname })); return; } // Run all the before stuff if applicable var self = this; if (route.before) { var cbs = route.before.length; function cb() { if (--cbs === 0) route.func(req, res, self); } for (var i in route.before) { route.before[i](req, res, cb); } // Just run the function if there's no before } else { route.func(req, res, this); } }); } /* * Add route. * Args: * method: "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "ALL" * path: path, * func: function */ route(method, path, before, func) { if (method !== "GET" && method !== "POST" && method !== "PUT" && method !== "DELETE" && method !== "ALL") { throw new Error("Invalid method."); } // Before is optional if (func === undefined) { func = before; before = undefined; } // All necessary arguments must exist if (typeof path !== "string") throw new TypeError("Path must be a string."); if (typeof func !== "function") throw new TypeError("Func must be a function."); // Add to routes array or route map if (path[0] === "^") { var pat = new RegExp(path); this._routes.push({ method: method, func: func, pattern: pat, before: before }); } else { this._routeMap[path] = { method: method, func: func, before: before }; } } /* * Add code to be served as /webby.js */ addScript(name, str) { var start = "(function "+name+"() {\n"; var end = "\n})();\n" str = str.trim(); this.clientScript += start + str + end; } /* * Template string */ template(tmpl, args) { return template(tmpl, args); } get(path, before, func) { this.route("GET", path, before, func); } post(path, before, func) { this.route("POST", path, before, func); } put(path, before, func) { this.route("PUT", path, before, func); } delete(path, before, func) { this.route("DELETE", path, before, func); } all(path, before, func) { this.route("ALL", path, before, func); } info(str) { console.log("Info: "+str); } notice(str) { console.log("Notice: "+str); } warning(str) { console.log("Warning: "+str); } panic(str) { console.log("PANIC: "+str); process.exit(1); } } exports.static = require("./js/static"); exports.middleware = require("./js/middleware");; exports.App = App;