# webframe Webframe is a small and dependency free web application framework. ## Usage Install: ``` bash npm install --save webframe ``` Use: ``` JavaScript var webframe = require("webframe"); var app = new webframe.App(); ``` Or from the command line: ``` Bash npm install -g webframe webframe [directory] ``` The file example.js contains an example of a small web application. ## Why a new web framework? A new installation of express is 2.3 megabytes. You end up with 42 dependencies in your node\_modules directory. The Koa framework is 2.5 megabytes, with 36 dependencies. This isn't bad for a big web application, but I write a lot of tiny web applications where megabytes of dependencies just feels wrong. As a result, I have in the past often just used the http module directly. This framework is a nice middle ground; it provides some of the utility of big web frameworks, but without adding a ton of extra dependencies to the application. ## Documentation ### webframe.App([options]) Creates a new instance, with an optional options argument. Options: * `server`: Your own HTTP (like the one created by http.createHttpServer). * `listen`: Whether to call the `listen` method on the server. Defaults to true. * `port`: The port to listen on. Defaults to the PORT environment variable, or 8080. * `host`: The host to listen on. Defaults to the HOSTNAME environment variable, or "". For the server to be accessible to the outside world, listen on "". * `client_utils`: Whether to add some utility functions to /webframe.js. Defaults to false. * `res404`: The string to return for a 404 error. "{{pathname}}" will be replaced with the pathname. * `res403`: The string to return for a 403 error. "{{pathname}}" will be replaced with the pathname. ``` JavaScript var app = new webframe.App({ client_utils: true }); ``` ### app.route(method, path [, middleware], func) Add a route. * `method`: What HTTP method the route should be available at. Valid options: "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", or "ALL". * `path`: The path. If it starts with a "^", it will be interpreted as a regular expression (with `new RegExp(path)`), and the route will be ran on all matching paths. Routes without a pattern are prioritized over those with a pattern. * `middleware`: Optional. An array of middleware functions which will be ran before the route's function. * `func`: function(request, response). The function which handles the request. ### app.get, app.post, app.put, app.delete, app.all Utility functions which just call app.route() with a predefined method value. E.g `app.get("/foo", handler)` is the same as `app.route("GET", "/foo", handler)`. ### app.info(str), app.notice(str), app.warning(str), app.panic(str) Logging functions. They all print a message. `app.panic` also exits, and is intended for errors so bad you have to crash. In the future, it will be possible to control the logging level. ### Middleware `webframe.middleware` contains middleware for the route functions. * `webframe.middleware.cookies`: Adds `request.cookies`, parsed COOKIE header. * `webframe.middleware.params`: Adds `request.params`, parsed URL parameters. * `webframe.middleware.payload`: Adds `request.payload`, a string (max 50 kilobytes) of the request payload. In the future, there will be middleware for form data over POST too. ### Modifications to the request and response objects * `req.urlobj`: The result of `url.parse(req.url)`. * `res.json(object)`: A utility function to respond with JSON. ### webframe.static(root[, before]) Serve static files. * `app.get("^.*", webframe.static("web"))` will serve all the files in the `web` directory, so `/index.html` will serve `web/index.html`. * `app.get("^/static/.*", webframe.static("web", "/static"))` will serve all files in the `web` directory under `/static`, so `/static/script.js` will serve `web/script.js`. ### Transformations - app.transform(extension, mime, func) Webframe has a way to transform files of one file type to an other, for example transforming typescript into javascript, or sass into CSS. * `extension`: The file extension to transform. * `mime`: The result mime type. * `func`: function(path, writeStream). The transform function. * `writeStream.headersSent`: Whether headers have been sent or not. * `writeStream.status`: The status code. Default: 200 (or 500 for errors) * `writeStream.headers`: An object containing the headers to be sent. Default: `{ "content-type": }` * `writeStream.write`: function(data). Write response data. * `writeStream.end`: function([data]). End the request, optionally with response data. * `writeStream.error`: function(err). Log an error, respond with status code 500 (or the content of `writeStream.status` if it's not 200). Example (assumes you have the node-sass module installed): ``` var sass = require("node-sass"); app.transform("sass", "text/css", (path, writeStream) => { try { var str = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8"); } catch (err) { writeStream.status = 404; return writeStream.error(err); } try { var result = sass.renderSync({ data: str }); writeStream.end(result.css); } catch (err) { writeStream.error(err); } }); ``` Now, any .sass file served with `webframe.static` will be compiled into CSS, and sent with the browser with the MIME type "text/css". The result is also cached, so the expensive sass compilation will only happen the first time the file is requested. The result will not be cached if you call writeStream.error.